I love the black tees and the slick greens (bugs aside) but before the update in another forum I had anticipated these problems.
"Seems to me the main issue is sandbagging. In MP I can avoid playing against players from a different tier. Sandbagging is a problem in mixed tier tourneys such as RG's, and that is where the money is for the good players: it's understandable that we are concerned about others with the same equipment and a false rank teeing off from easier tees. I might not play RGs any more if this new system proofs faulty.
Why not divide RGs into tiers like the weekly tourneys then ??
And why not count only SINGLE tournament rounds for the ranking system? That's how it works in reality, after all."
End quote
AND THIS is the comment I got from neildiamond, one of our best players, who obviously should have known better:
"Columbia, premium tourneys and match play are the areas where sandbaggers make the most damage. I will play the best "pro" sandbagger any day in a ready go, I dont think many masters are really worried about them. But the premium tourney that same "pro" should not be pro, they have the skills to be a master, but are playing other pro's. Imagine someone as good as bullox having an average of 68 in the pro tier, despite him not playing with master clubs, the guy is still gonna destroy every other pro. In the premium tourney it would mean he walks away with the real prizes, and in the MPC he is gonna take away everyones credits. The beauty of Ready Go's is there is no separation of tiers, the downside of RG's is Pro's and Amateurs are playing against masters."
End quote