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Fix the Alt shot lobby !!!

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Fri, Mar 7 2014 6:35 PM (18 replies)
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  • Mankeb
    32 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 6:29 PM

    Trying to get a game going in the Alt Shot format is a total joke.

    The lobby needs to be changed to a multiple games format so that Players who don't want to play in a particular game can stop joining then declining, which then seems to create the problem of the host Player being unable to see Players who subsequently join, which then just ramps up the waiting and frustration levels.

    This problem has been ongoing long term and is STILL happening.

    To have an online game that is so difficult to get started is a major and fundamental flaw and is a sad indictment as to the contempt that the Producers of this game display to it's customers.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 6:56 PM

    Players only decline games when they don't want to play against people that has already joined in the Lobby.

    Not sure if you start random Alt shot games...  but you should have built a good friends list by now to set up a good game.

    Just Saying


  • Mankeb
    32 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 7:32 PM

    That's the whole problem!

    Players CAN"T see what courses or levels are already there so they join and don't like something then they decline, meanwhile the other Players are waiting then 4 will join then the Host can only see 3 Players then Players who are waiting quit out of frustration, then the whole process repeats itself !

    You don't think that is a problem????

    Ignoring it by finding an alternative is not the way to resolve issues, you'll find.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Feb 15 2014 10:25 PM

    Joining an active country club also helps. As for the Alt/Shot problem I doubt they'll ever fix it as it's been happening for over a year.

    5,835 Posts
    Sun, Feb 16 2014 12:27 AM

    A Player CAN see the type of game he is joining on invite but cannot see the members waiting in the lobby.

    Perhaps they will drop out if someone they dont want to participate with is playing.

    Unless, they are BLUE dot (available for any game) then they appear in the random search and can be simply dragged in.
    THEY drop out usually because they are BLUE waiting for a friend and simply indicating their readiness.
    (Not usually because there is someone in the game lobby they dont like) 


    The lobby is wrong in a lot of ways.


    • The host should have the ability to select the 'time out'.
    • An ability for the host who is inviting to reply to 'no thanks' messages if the sender (ticks a box) to allow a reply.
    • FIX the member search field.


  • Mankeb
    32 Posts
    Sun, Feb 16 2014 3:58 AM


    Joining an active country club also helps. As for the Alt/Shot problem I doubt they'll ever fix it as it's been happening for over a year.

    I appreciate that these suggestions are made with all good intentions, but it doesn't help the issue.

    It is the 'Decliners' who are too particular about who or where they play, that should be rounding up their friends or joining a country club to facilitate their playing needs, not someone like me who just wants a game for fun and will play anywhere with anyone.

    It is Players declining that causes the Host to be unable to see who has joined, if you play online Poker, you can see what games are being played and who as at a table, BEFORE you join, it is obviously doable, that's what has to happen in Alt shot and other games here.

    AS I said before, a multi player, online game that has these problems getting a game STARTED has a serious and fundamental flaw, the fact that they can make bird noises and gimmes available, yet ignore this issue is very odd. 


  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Feb 16 2014 4:41 AM



    Joining an active country club also helps. As for the Alt/Shot problem I doubt they'll ever fix it as it's been happening for over a year.

    I appreciate that these suggestions are made with all good intentions, but it doesn't help the issue.

    It is Players declining that causes the Host to be unable to see who has joined, if you play online Poker, you can see what games are being played and who as at a table, BEFORE you join, it is obviously doable, that's what has to happen in Alt shot and other games here.

    AS I said before, a multi player, online game that has these problems getting a game STARTED has a serious and fundamental flaw, the fact that they can make bird noises and gimmes available, yet ignore this issue is very odd. 


    ^^^ This

    Yes mate you are correct. This did not happen before until they did a update long ago.

    Its a "BUG" that WGT introduced long ago. Now... why they have not fixed it..well...LOL.

    Don't think even need to go there.

    Just got to be happy playing the game as is. These people are not concerned about fixing bugs. Actually to be honest..... their more into producing bugs.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Feb 16 2014 6:19 AM



    Joining an active country club also helps. As for the Alt/Shot problem I doubt they'll ever fix it as it's been happening for over a year.

    I appreciate that these suggestions are made with all good intentions, but it doesn't help the issue.

    I realize that my suggestions wouldn't help with inherent game faults but joining a friendly, busy club and making friends means that when you log on you'll have dozens of green lights on and you would be a lot less likely to play people that quit on you. I hope that's clearer :-)

  • Mankeb
    32 Posts
    Mon, Feb 17 2014 3:45 PM


    I realize that my suggestions wouldn't help with inherent game faults but joining a friendly, busy club and making friends means that when you log on you'll have dozens of green lights on and you would be a lot less likely to play people that quit on you. I hope that's clearer :-)


    I can't understand what you are afraid of.

    If a car co. made a car with starting issues and then gleefully announced that they have developed a new surround sound system, and ignored the starting issue, they would be justifiably vilified.

    Yet, you and others here seem to just want to ignore fundamental problems by finding alternate paths.

    I spend a lot of money on this game and I expect it to come up the standards that I pay for, it is clearly not at that standard, you may be satisfied with putting up with these issues, but that route never gets anything resolved.


    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2014 8:58 PM


    Yet, you and others here seem to just want to ignore fundamental problems by finding alternate paths.

    I spend a lot of money on this game and I expect it to come up the standards that I pay for,


    Well champ I guess we the drivers of said car have realised that the vehicle manufacturer built said car with materials that wont allow the infrastructure to be changed.

    The game is built on an outdated flash platform and your changes are fundamental to not just the lobby , but the whole invite system and friends list.

    It isnt a matter of adding a couple of nuts and bolts to fix it.

    WGT are providing for what its worth your moneys worth for how it stands RIGHT NOW. any future enhancement or rebuilds are not promised or expected.

    So you can keep your head in the sand or you can take the friendly advice offered to you to help eliminate your perceived problem.

    If you still cant accept that, then I suggest you read the WGT T's & C's and realise you are owed NOTHING and WGT is not held liable for the amount of money you decide to spend or not spend and no minimum expectations of game play or experience is outlined.


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