Rich, _________________________ you damn broken record. THE DEVIATIONS, THE DEVIATIONS. If you can prove to me its only members of the deviations, I will fully apologize and give all my credits away to you or anyone else.
Only a real__________________ doesn't get it. You TM have same equipment as me, we are playing headsup, you are teeing off on average 3 approach shot clubs closer to the green. THAT IS AN ADVANTAGE.
The disadvantage that all members have is only the Legends tier gets another set of tees to play from.
Disadvantage: a : an unfavorable, inferior, or prejudicial condition <we were at a disadvantage> b : a quality or circumstance that makes achievement unusually difficult : handicap <his lack of formal schooling was a serious disadvantage>
example: The legends tier, while being more skilled compared to other tiers, now faces a disadvantage of playing the same Ready Go tournaments as Tour Masters, by playing a much longer course and using the same equipment as Tour Masters.
Cards suck.
<edited by WGT>