I am trying to show a friend the VGG caddy and it will not show up on a screenshot. Does anyone know why, and what can I do to make it show up?
I am using Wcap to capture the screen
Gary (woodo)
I posted your wall, Gary.
Try this instead. I never had any issues with it capturing images when I used it.
Wcap....what is that?
Woodoworkery: it will not show up on a screenshot. Does anyone know why, and what can I do to make it show up?
it will not show up on a screenshot. Does anyone know why, and what can I do to make it show up?
Did this in a hurry but it does get picked up by screen capture software.
Here it is plain as day over ScottHopes' post. Taken with GreenShot. I downloaded the vgg to show you Gary.
[quote user="ScottHope"]
Thanks CS that worked just great
you're welcome buddy.
ScottHope:Wcap....what is that?
To anyone reading this thread the software name looks like "Wcap" but it is actually "V" "V" "cap". It's 2 v's and the word "cap".
Very cool screen cap software.