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Sat, Feb 29 2020 1:06 PM (158 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Nov 2 2014 3:16 AM



    . They just took one of my new Nike balls and I think they owe me one back. Fat chance of that ever happening. This company is a bunch of crocks and  hopefully they will all be in jail.

    Every one of your posts is a crock (of sh*t). 

    Dogboss is correct.

    You are  woeful at this game, how you ever got to TM is a mystery (I suspect friends deliberately throwing MP games to let you tier up). So please shut up and go learn Pong...although you'd probably claim your ball was being manipulated by Atari.

    Your replays ( with the laughable mewling titles) invalidate any opinions you express in these forums. You are not being targetted or manipulated, you do not suffer at the hands of VEM, put simply, you are just truly, truly awful at WGT.

    Hahahaaaa.....nothing more to be said.

    Paulo summed it up nicely !!!


  • rollone
    783 Posts
    Sun, Nov 2 2014 8:47 AM


    They just took one of my new Nike balls and I think they owe me one back.

    Anybody want to see why fancywhatever looses balls and misses putts due to whatever?

    Have a look at her replays from 11/01/2014...I think you will all see what is ACTUALLY happening. The replay from 09/24/2014 is even better than these others.

    I'm not going to say a word..but you will see if you watch them.

    ...go sign up for graphics that actually look and react like a golf

    How do graphics look and play like real golf courses?

    Time to purchase some new tinfoil, fancywhatever.

    just sayin'

    those replays! wow, just wow

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Nov 2 2014 9:26 AM

    I had a 10yr old Puter running Windows XP.  The things I had to do on that fossil, just to play the game was So I know how hard it is for allot of people.

    Ain't that the truth!! Had to go to an old laptop with XP and only 960MB RAM for a short while and that whole experience put me right in touch with what Andyson calls "jumping through hoops." What an effort that was. It took some doing but it paid off because I could still play with a decent meter.

    LOL @ Paul-   "Dogboss"    :-D

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, Nov 2 2014 10:40 AM


    Simply on your approaches and putts you are playing " too soft " you need a little more OOMPH and confidence .

    Damn right.  I only watched the last 3 replays but clearly there was way too little power being used, the avatar got nowhere near the top of the back swing on the approaches.  Both of the ones I saw needed almost full power, it looked more like 70-75% was used.  And the putt?   Paul said it best:



    You are  woeful at this game

  • AGArgent
    343 Posts
    Sun, Nov 2 2014 11:40 AM



    For me the problem is not with the game itself.  I think it's brilliantly done, the physics are amazing.  When you hit a ball off the tee the game engine knows where it's going to land and exactly how the ground it lands on will effect the bounce.  Every square foot, if not inch, of every fairway is mapped, most of us haven't done that with our irons for feck's sake.  They have a fantastic product here, they really do.

    However, whoever is pulling the strings and deciding how to bring that product to the customer in the most efficient way apparently used to clean the fryers at a small branch of FcDonalds.

    I feel sorry for Icon, Shoe and the admins who have to deal with us in the forums, I really do.  They probably have little or no control over which direction the game takes and equally little when it comes to dealing with customer uprisings.  The golden putter fiasco was a great example, loads of pissed off customers expressing their displeasure and what response did we get?  Sod all. 

    Then the hike in price of those new balls when it was realised they were cheaper than intended.  There was no holding you back then was there WGT?   Superman would have had trouble keeping your programmers in view as they speedily corrected their error and prevented us getting a bargain.  Nice work, great bit of PR there.  Obviously the price was an error and I understand it had to be changed but how long have we been asking for small errors to be fixed and met a wall of silence and lack of willingness to do anything positive?  Too bloody long.  Apparently it's only when it cuts into the profits that anything becomes a priority.

    I've always been a big defender of WGT, still am when it comes to the game itself in fact.  The company behind it stinks though.  If there were any competition out there then the bunch of monkeys that masquerade as managers around here would be scanning the situations vacant pages by now.

    You need to get some decent people on board, people who understand customer satisfaction otherwise this place will be dead soon.

    Probably the most objective post I have seen MM - and spot on the money.

    Nothing to add but I too have always promoted this game, and still do to a lessor degree, primarily due to the greed and contempt the company shows to its customers. On that note I do not envy the Mods job one iota.

    +2...hear, hear....and will somebody, mod, admin, anybody, PLEASE get rid of the Korean airlines game loading screaming, worst-of-all-time ad???!!


  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Nov 3 2014 2:17 PM

    I'm getting terrible slow loads the last couple of days. Scratching my head thinking 'why is this so'

    Then watching that blasted circle turning around between shots and holes waiting for the continue button on the scorecard is annoying.  Gameplay is great still...can't

    I think it's a browser Prob (Comodo)

    Then I noticed the Add under the scores on the scorecard, I checked the 'Game options' and the resolution was at 'Best'   I have that set to 'High' and the 'Backround Loading' in the advanced tab was off.  I usually have that turned on.  Not sure how those settings changed.

    I had to block the 'Add' on the scorecard (adblock) changed the game settings back to how I had it.....  and instant loading again (well not instant) but pretty fast and no turning circles btween shots.

    Note...  Backround loading is for good Puters and not the less powerful PC's.


  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Mon, Nov 3 2014 3:10 PM

    Getting same thing on all 9 of my browser's.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Mon, Nov 3 2014 3:36 PM


    Clearing the cache frequently will cause this. Every time you clear your cache you need to re-DL course files when you play. This slows down down the game and if you throw in a balky load you get a mess. Caches don't need to be cleared religiously.

    I'm sorry but almost this whole paragraph is incorrect .

    When a cache is cleared or deleted or defraged . Computers are programmed to immediately replace the critical and pertinant files the very next time the program is run , or started . And instanly almost evrything that is needed to run it is back in place . Usually with no visible or detectable interuption or slowness or skipping etc . The many other uneeded flash files , background files , program files , junk files , vendor advertisements , etc, etc , etc are very likely to be running all the time and causing all kinds of interuptions , skips , slowness , flashes etc . Quickly overfilling the caches again . Requiring that the jumbled fragmented overfilled caches to be cleared again and again and again  . 

    Browsers that typically use small fractions of these in order to run are recommended . Adfenders and blockers help alot .Turning off 90 % of the options in the client window is a great help . Anything one can do to stop , reduce , minimize the usage and buildup of all of these services determines how long and how well your programs will run before needing to be cleared and defragmented again .

    Here are a couple of those critical caches that effect ones performance .


     # 1 cache : " local storage settings by site "

    # 2 cache : " temporary internet files "

    # 3 cache : "history and browsing history dowmload history "

    # 4 cache " cookies and website data "

    # 5 cache : " passwords "

    # 6 cache : " system error memory dump files "

    # 7 cache : ' windows update "

    # 8 cache : "  downloaded program files "

    # 9 cache : " recycle bin "

    # 10 cache : " temporary files "

    # 11 cache : " windows error reports "

    # 12 cache : "system clutter "

    # 13 cache : " memory fragmentation "

    # 14 cache : ' unused background files "

    # 15 cache : ' fragmented registry "

    # 16 cache : ' fragmented hard drive "

    # 17 cache : " fragmented program files "


    Others processes you may want to look at are the following

    1. System Restore;  I use system image backup, and turn off system restore;
    2. Disk Defragmenter;  I do mind manually once per week;  Auslogistics is a great, it will move the system files to the beginning of the drive.  First time you use it will take awhile, but after that, it goes quickly.  Secondly, you will need to go into task scheduler to disable disk defragmentation.  By default it is run every Wednesday at 1am:  That assumes you do not turn off your computer......  Next go into services and disable disk defragmentation.
    3. Hibernation file you will want to disable if you are not on a laptop.  Change the power requirements to high performance.
    4. Make sure your drivers are updated.

    There are alot of tweaking one can do to improve performance, these are just a few.  But these are the ones everyone should know.