When I moved in with my uncle, he had a family tradition for birthdays, and a bit backwards to the current trend. Instead of receiving gifts on your birthday, you were to purchase gifts for your family and closest friends. His logic was, "as you get older, you'll come to the realization that birthdays sùck! ... so I want to instill that in you while you're still young."
It's really fun for us ... and it's usually kept within the family. While I still have to go out and buy gifts for my family to celebrate my birthday, my uncle's is one day earlier than mine, so we're going to take that shopping trip together later on today.
I do want to share my calculator program with all my virtual friends! Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! And for those of you who have received my "birthday present", I truly hope it works well for you.
If I missed your request, please send me a friend invite and a PM and I'll get the link over to you as soon as I can!
My best to each and every one of you!
Kat ♥
PS: Alanti ... Who the F*** is Kay????? Nothing like a typo on a birthday wish!