I just bought a acer all in hole computer. I have try foxfire,maxthon,comodo,bing, and msn. None of them work. The meter slides by the ding line. Could some one tell me what browers works with my PC. Thank you
It could be Windows 8 , OR , the wireless mouse .
I have seen some that say windows 8 has some issues with the game .
ScottHope might be more help .
Thanks opy, but I don't know anymore than anyone else really. It could be a mouse issue as opy says Chuck, try a wired one if you've got one to hand.
I have Windows 8.1 and the game plays fine so far
Gary (woodo)
I use Comodo Dragon
Can I ask how long have you been using Win 8 Gary?
Woodoworkery: I have Windows 8.1 and the game plays fine so far
Ditto, and been using it since the beta, presently using FF Aurora build with beta 13 flash.
ScottHope: Can I ask how long have you been using Win 8 Gary?
Five whole days Scott....lol
Woodoworkery:Five whole days Scott....lol
I think I'll wait for Windows 9 before I upgrade. Mind you that could always be worse I suppose.