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Tour Legend Leprosy

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Sun, Mar 9 2014 1:38 PM (16 replies)
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  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 9:57 PM

    I suspect players have come across so many TL's that are so much up their own a ss they don't play for fun anymore . .

    The exact same thing was said about Legends by TMs when when the Legend tier came out.  :-)

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Sat, Mar 8 2014 11:03 PM

    Totally agree with your assessment YJ,,,,,Lobster"BOY" you are out of line,by the time most of us TL's reach this level we have worked hard to get here and most of us help lower tiers along the way,I'm sure once you get to the level both in the game and maturity you will see things in a different light instead of jealousy and contempt for those that have put in the time and effort and passing along our knowledge to the lower tiers...........Oh yea one more tid bit for you,I play for fun all the time with anybody and will pass along my knowledge of the game when treated respectfully........

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 6:47 AM

    I'm just a Tour Master but I'll play anybody tiered above me. I relish the competition, even if it's just for fun.

    As a kid, my oldest brother (he's 9 yrs older) and I played a lot of different games together. Whiffle ball, electric football, you name it, and he always won. I can remember beating him twice. I was always the one who wanted to play, even though I knew what the outcome would probably be. But I knew there was a chance that one day....

    I sent you a friend invite so whenever you see me available, I'll be more than happy to play you.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 9:30 AM

    As a kid, my oldest brother (he's 9 yrs older) and I played a lot of different games together. Whiffle ball, electric football, you name it, and he always won. I can remember beating him twice. I was always the one who wanted to play, even though I knew what the outcome would probably be. But I knew there was a chance that one day....

    LOL. Same scenario here only it was my son always doing the whupping, starting with Duck Hunt and anything electronic that followed. My "one day" showed up 5 years ago with WGT. Hehe, own that lil smartass now.  :-D

  • Lizard1943
    16 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 1:38 PM

    Check for me on line I'll play anyone. Beat some of the best, lose to most!


  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 5:31 PM


    I suspect players have come across so many TL's that are so much up their own a ss they don't play for fun anymore . .

    The exact same thing was said about Legends by TMs when when the Legend tier came out.  :-)

    Agree Jim and in a lot of cases it was true! : -)

  • Lobsterboy
    4,729 Posts
    Sun, Mar 9 2014 6:55 PM

    I knew someone would pick me up wrong Dave and in doing so you've highlighted a reason why lowered tiered players might boot higher tiered players . . . they don't want a know-it-all passing along their knowledge when it hasn't been asked for . . . so not cool!

    I'm not jealous buddy if I wanted to tier up I would have done so a long time ago but I almost exclusively play AS games so I can play with as many friends as possible . . . and many of them are TL's.

    There's also the issue of when players setting up a game can't pick the tier they want to play against . . . only the tier+. This means if a Pro player picks Pro+ and a TL comes in they may feel intimidated and will boot them.

    The OP and subsequent posts were wondering why TL's struggled to join a random game and I was just passing on my thoughts and experiences no contempt what so ever so get off your high horse . .


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