Wontonamo: +1 on this - where they gone? only things keeping me interested these days....
Great fun the old uneven lies, although I prefer if not played in "Heavy" wind speed.
My latest thought on Ready Go's. ( Please take into consideration, I am not a computer expert )
You go to Ready Go's and click and instead of 1 page coming up with the allotted games, you have the option of 3 pages to click on.
For example
1. High end tournaments 500 credits and above
2.Mid range 300 to 200
3 Bargain basement 150 and below
Now of course that is just a very rough idea, but, maybe can open a discussion as to what is a better alternative for us all. ( yep, us the players of this fun game )
With 3 pages ( or whatever ) you have a great deal more available options to take your pick from
Pie in the Sky maybe, but thought I'd throw it out there anyway
What's your thoughts on this Icon, and thanks for replying to my post
Regards as always to my fellow combatants from Alan