Does that name really describe you? Too bad. Discipline can be difficult. Old guys, like me, don't automatically think of fraud and dishonesty as you seen to do. I hope your day gets better. jimshaw30
LOL, I'm old too my friend, my grand daughter seemed to think I'm fat whether I am or not when I told her I was "too old and Fat to get on a trampoline with her", so she introduced me to her friends as her "Grandpa fatdan", and it is easy to spell...
if you don't think about fraud/dishonesty today you must not watch the news or read emails either, right? Or could you just be naive, having never tried to sell something in the paper or on the net and watched the scamming cockroaches come out of the cracks? Technology wise the world is great, a day doesn't pass that I find something new that amazes me, morality wise it sucks big time, people who wouldn't have the balls to steal from you in person think it is fine to steal from a faceless victim hundreds of miles away via technology....
Thanks for the wishes, but everyday is good for me, the only way today could be any better is if someone came to my door selling a anti-aging pill that worked, and even THEN I wouldn't give them my REAL NAME or PHONE #....
California is a scam!
In reference to the remark everything w/ 805 is a scam, I have no problems w/ Cali, other than the highway traffic I love it...