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Kat's Calculators - Version 2.0 Beta is now available.

Sun, Dec 26 2021 2:36 PM (300 replies)
  • palmoor1
    1 Posts
    Thu, Sep 25 2014 4:03 PM

    Hi Kat,

    Just discovered this thread. Your calculators sound awesome! Please ,send the link.

    Also, how do I get the golf balls to you






  • enderson
    40 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 12:58 PM

    Hi Kat, sent a friend request also. Could you please send me the link as well for the 2.0 and also transparent wind gauge. Thank you~

  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 7:14 AM

    Hey all ... 

    I see this thread has found new life.

    Just so ya know ... I work for a living and really don't have the time to PM each of you that want the calculators.

    Please ... you have to PM me with a request for the calculators and I'll be happy to send them to you.

    Placing a request here won't get the link.  And posting to my wall won't either (unless I had a really good day).

    You're going to have to take that extra step and send me a message.  I'll reply with a "cut-and-paste" message that contains the link.


  • genocyde
    1 Posts
    Fri, Jan 2 2015 4:38 PM

    I would like to get the link when you get a chance plz   



    Thank You for your time

    1,300 Posts
    Sun, Feb 15 2015 12:37 PM

    Kat I would like to try your calculator.

    I have also sent a friend request.



  • dawa06
    263 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 4:49 AM

    Hello here.

    YES, please send me a link to those programs. I send you now a friend request - I suppose I'll must wait until you accept this invite and then I'll PM you ?

    I read all the thread ... ALL ! And it's a big challenge with my lack of English words ...

    I'm not a great player, but I'm an old man who played this sort of games since 30 years now. Never play IRL :/ but I have a big fat past wich make me a smart human calculator, like a mentat of Dune ;o) (joke and free-flowers !)

    I feel good with that, in few seconds I cacl, aim and shot. I miss the ding of course ... or not. Please see my stats ... just a normal player.

    I have the great honor to be part of the RED DIRT GOLF CC. There are monsters players on my CC, and I play on stroke play with two or three, and let me tell you something : this guys use only their brain. And the finger too. (HAHAHA).

    And I'm pretty sure it's possible to play without any help. My only help on this game is my screen, on the above on my screen there's a logo (I don't want to be moderated so ... but it's a good well-known-mark) and the letters of the logo are my only reference to drive/shot/putt/others stuffs. I play in windowed mode.

    So why taking this two tools ? because I just want to know how my brain do all this stuffs ... In fact I would like to make a kind of "retro-calc" ... to compare my "best shot" with Kat's tools proposition.

    By the way, writting this two tools require skills ... but sharing this two tools require heart. And a person with this sort of thoughs and feels won't be a bad person, with the occult desire to sink others players and sink this game. I'm sure this tools are good to help a "middle-class" player to progress a little bit. Maybe not to help a really new player, neither a Legend player, but a player with a "doubtfull-phase".

    So thanks a lot, Kat. I would like to try this !



  • borntobesting
    9,679 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 10:46 AM

    Kat any chance that you could program an android version?

  • ScottHope
    10,338 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 10:57 AM
    Kat hasn't played in nearly 3 months so you might not get any response to your requests. Hope she's okay.
  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 12:53 PM


    Kat hasn't played in nearly 3 months so you might not get any response to your requests. Hope she's okay.

    I heard from her last week Scott she's fine.  Busy with work is all.

  • ScottHope
    10,338 Posts
    Tue, Jun 9 2015 1:29 PM

    Cheers Andy.