of course, you mean a higher meter speed score .. :-) ..
really with most things in life faster means a higher value .... so a speed of 0 would be slower ( i.e. stopped !) and anything higher is correspondingly faster... surely .... you'd think....
Just commented here because I was about to buy some Nike 20XI-X which have a meter speed of 3 compared with the 20XI-X RZN which have a meter speed of 3.5 yet the RZN's are 100 credits more - I was confused but now I realise that you are paying 100 credits extra for the slower meter speed. Now that I know they are slower it makes sense as to why they are more expensive...
Just to be clear then a Meter speed of 5.0 is slower than a meter speed of 1.0
The Meter speed rating IS backwards - I just wonder how many other people have made this mistake...