mmmm i wonder who is head of marketing on wgt maybe nike and wgt figure its just males that play this game and agree with gdog where is the female version and a note on the BIG BERTHA drivers big screw up on that one level 96 available but since the limited edition R1 WAS AVAILABLE level 93 and snapped up but those unfortunate not able to get it legends players stuck on level 90 91 92 93 94 95 i being one of them level 93 not to at least bring a limmted edition big bertha out level 93 or the R1 wgt has just missed out on a big serge PAYDAY loads of legends on level 91 + 95 who would gladly snap it up i being one of them have money in my pocket but not spent on equipment since level 90 BOARD.COM wpould have gladly snatched up a female nike avatar 2 another wgt payday missed im sure i have seen female golfers on this site lol
16 female golfers in my cc x 800 c = 12800 credits $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
level 93 big bertha example 15 players level 93 just in my cc 3.295 credits = 49.425 credits
u work that one out for the hole of wgt its $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$