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New "Best of Par 4"

Mon, Mar 31 2014 1:41 PM (23 replies)
  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 8:57 AM

    That's not the thread point.

    The first post is clear, the new monthly Best of Par 4 got problem on charghing so the only solution was (that's way "was") to set off and restart the tour as the past week multi round tour. The real problem of WGT is that no one test the news as "customer" (even if that mean enter a free tour), maybe if they change this mind status could be good for ev'ryone: me and you as customers, them for money maker; that's an issue they never want to fix so anytime I see "no good way" to waste my bucks I come to the forum and whining as long as I deserv.

    This is the least of those mangy with our money and should implement a gameclient already perceived as excellent, but everyone knows that more customers mast bales are the ones who spend more, so why not.

    Icon, Best of Par 4 came from your brain, fix it mate.



  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 2:15 AM

    I just completed a 2 round F9/B9 CC comp today and it works fine.

    Icon you are so  That would have to be the toughest course in Wgt.  I would say only one hole is an easy Bird.

    Actually it's not a bad course.


  • TRutger
    133 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 9:58 AM

    Oh yeah, it's been resolved. The tourney has just disappeared. Great way of resolving the problem. Just deny me the ability to play it. impartial and unbiased. Fits well with the other "coat tail riders" from WGT.  

    "The games within the game are really tiresome" And if you haven't dealt with it, don't assume to know what is all you post hores. (sic)

    Since nobody has bothered to acknowledge or comment on the fact that the tourney in question was just removed instead of repaired,I'll repost in hope that someone,"Other than the cpu snob police" will fire something constructive this way. Then again, that would be unlikely based on the history of it happening.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Mon, Mar 31 2014 1:41 PM

    Again, it's not the thread point, sorry mate.

    The tour was just remove maybe because someone are working to fix the loading issue. And remember, it's a free online game so WGT doesn't get any impartial denin' you the ability to play a single match just because you got the chance to play over a 50 different games.

    I'm usually not be the devil's lawyer but sometimes issue happen and for repair it the site will be going downtime for main maintenance or remove directly the problem, this time a single tour. Be patience and keep the spirit, in the next hours you will get back the New Best of Par 4.

    Icon, you own me a bear mate.
