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Bracket: Time Issues

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Wed, Jul 16 2014 3:56 PM (15 replies)
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  • Als6437
    428 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 7:38 AM

    I really enjoy the new bracket tournament from WGT!  I just wish each round was not necessarily 24 hours. I think that if a round is completed by all players, then the next round should be playable within 24 hours, but if completed in an hour then the next round should be playable. You could finish a match in 2 to 3 hours. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 7:55 AM

    I think it's safe to say that the programmers created the bracket-style tournament within the structure of the existing tournament architecture. Multi-round tournaments already require that you set a time frame for each round. Bracket tourneys are in essence, multi-round tournaments.

    I would further venture to say that changing the multi-round time frame logic may not be as easy as it sounds. I would also bet that they had already thought of this and decided it was best to leave that logic alone for now and move on to other improvements. Nothing is broken. Nothing is unusable. Leave it for another project.

    It's a great idea and seems logical, but I wouldn't blame the developers for not doing it because they just don't want to listen to their customers. I'm sure it's a lot more complex than any of us know.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 9:11 AM

    Trouble is, an early finish in a round doesn't necessarily mean ALL the players are available in the next 24 hours. I'd hate to play my winning round early, then come back after 36 hours, with perhaps a theoretical 5-6 hours still left to play, only to find I'd timed out.

    No, I think the 24hr per round format is fine; they just need to sort the bugs out.

  • boressie
    45 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 9:29 AM

    New bracket = mpc + ready go...... still waiting for a real mpc bracket.

  • HarrowsmithJJs
    205 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 1:30 PM

    what are the prizes for a won braket tourney?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Mar 28 2014 10:42 PM


    what are the prizes for a won braket tourney?

    Nothing at the moment.

  • titanhawks
    5 Posts
    Sat, Mar 29 2014 7:34 AM

    Yes; and I'll never play again. Got to 10th @ Merion and it said my time expired. I started inside the 24 hr period so I should have been able to finish. Also; there was nothing there that told me how much time I had left or I would never had started. Last time for me; just glad there was no entry fee.

  • HarrowsmithJJs
    205 Posts
    Sat, Mar 29 2014 2:43 PM

    I am trying to understand your issue.. The tourney bracket has a timer on it, right down to the mins.,and the rules clearly state that matches have to be FINISHED before time has run out... Glad it was your last one, there's nothing quite as frustrating as one person holding up an entire tourney. The fact you complained, like it's the game's fault you can't see a fairly clear timer, that is on every single bracket screen, can't tell time, or read rules is pretty funny though.I hope they devise something, maybe 'the titan timer' that will allow only you to play outside of the timer the rest of us follow... fubar

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 3:43 AM

    Got to 10th @ Merion and it said my time expired. I started inside the 24 hr period so I should have been able to finish.
    So you say you should be able to save the game / go away from your PC and come back after a day or a week or whenever you want to continue?

    No, tourney deadlines have always been finish deadlines here. You may call yourself lucky if you were told mid-round - this would be a change for the better, as these notifications used to be at the final putt only.

  • LuckoThIrish
    2,173 Posts
    Sun, Mar 30 2014 8:42 AM

    Just to add fuel to the fire, I have been timed out while still active:



    Not a very happy bunny!!


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