thx man...i wonder why i can never find the good stuff? lol. :) very nice!
Tourney at Cabo, with free samples of Cabo Wabo? I'm in :-)
yup, me too...just signed up. :) thx again for the info.
another idea i have had is that as in the future this could be the equivalent of a pro golf tour where the top players are at a similar respect level as the real life pro' internet becomes even more a part of our daily lives. here is the key tho...people should be able to bet on matches (spectators if you will who can bet on a line given ala Vegas). they would also be able to remote view the game. i think this kind of thing could replace real sports. seriously. thx for reading and God Bless!
and of course at the end of the year we would have a Ryder Cup where WGTs best players from countries all over the world come together and square off with a new potential country coming out as the champion in any given year.
just saw that you're adding heads up brackets. another great idea. thanks WGT!
Mr Troutman, may i recommend decaf? :-)
is that your hand, hottie? coffee for me, just weed, cigarettes, n water. :)
oh yeah...have to mention my good ole SunRype apple juice...also always by my side. :)