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What if ?? V.E.M. was disabled?

Tue, Apr 15 2014 1:05 PM (60 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 12:07 PM



    This game is so easy to 'repair'. WGT is employing a swing meter that is far far too basic for a game such as golf. It's a 3-state click activated asset and in the world of 'flash coding' it don't any more basic than that. 

    The entire game window is a 'target' and live area upon initiating the first state (click and hold) at that time the whole window is live. Creating a swing meter that incorporates a 'live space, partial cursor motion dedicated'  swing meter would be very very easy. 

    Hackable? Nope... Not if 'locked' properly

    The only reason CheatEngine would work is because whoever coded this game didn't assign proper locking conditions on certain assets. The only reason. Did not completely think out all case scenarios so that certain assets remain embedded within the game window and there for are open to manipulation without proper conditioning applied.

    I can  guaranty  you one thing, shooting 52's over and over would be a thing of the past.

    WGT could eliminate VEM from the system, no need for it at that point. Don't swing the club properly and you'll get the applied force and hook or slice.

    Deviation, which is a ridiculous notion anyway, could be turfed. Deviation is WGT's way of trying to force swing mechanic flaws and mishaps on players. Guess what FAIL!

    This game is so easy to fix...  


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 12:25 PM

    ...and seems like a step in the right direction towards reflecting realistic golf scores as in the pro game. 

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 12:46 PM


    ...and seems like a step in the right direction towards reflecting realistic golf scores as in the pro game. 

    You like this a lot because you keep quoting it. Do you understand it?   Explain this to me then, what is a "swing meter that incorporates a 'live space, partial cursor motion dedicated'  swing meter"  A bunch of gibberish if you ask me.


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 12:56 PM

    I won't be askin. Go play some golf and try stop being the smart ass.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 1:16 PM


    I won't be askin. Go play some golf and try stop being the smart ass.

    Don't you mean answering, Forrest?

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 2:17 PM


    I won't be askin. Go play some golf and try stop being the smart ass.

    You're promoting this all over the forums as the cure for all that ails the game, but you won't or can't explain what it is.  And each time you post it you also give CE more air time.

    Stop posting it if you don't know what it is!


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 2:26 PM

    Go play a game together, you'll feel better for it.

  • Dougie4042
    4,410 Posts
    Sun, Apr 13 2014 10:05 PM


    I'm sorry Dave, but I can't let you do that, oh, wait, now where was I? Oh yeah, WGT that's right. Well, I see we're having another spirited conversation about my existence / effect on game play etc., with some interesting points being made. Quite frankly, I find all this attention, flattering as it may be, to be a little distracting. I sometimes think you people just don't realize the magnitude of what I do around here. Bird noises, me,. surf sounds, me, lipouts ( oh yeah baby !) me, .02 short, yours truly. Well, I think you get the idea, and let me tell you, it's a thankless job at best. My function, whether you believe or not, is to keep this game from becoming too predictable, there are other games for that, thank you very much.

    VEM :)

    Lol!  Good stuff.  VEM, I'm feeling strangely attracted to you.  o.O

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 6:28 AM

    Ahh sure why not

    Let's see now. Swing meter......Incorporates =Includes/uses......Live space = area that is active....partial cursor motion = any movement of the cursor......dedicated = tasked

    In plain english to me, that is,  "A swing meter that is tasked to register any motion in the active area that the cursor operates." 

    Give up andy son, go and play some golf, that is after all why you joined WGT.



    ...and seems like a step in the right direction towards reflecting realistic golf scores as in the pro game. 

    You like this a lot because you keep quoting it. Do you understand it?   Explain this to me then, what is a "swing meter that incorporates a 'live space, partial cursor motion dedicated'  swing meter"  A bunch of gibberish if you ask me.



  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 14 2014 9:17 AM

    With all do respect YJ....when was the last time you saw a PGA scoreboard where the top 20 all score below 60???  We have unrealistic cartoon scores now in here.  Leading a tournament with a 54??? 

    Will definitely concede the score point but that's the nature of a game you can pound over and over. Imagine what it would be like without VEM and deviations. TW was cartoon golf with the scores-compare those to here and you'll get what I mean.

     IMO, it's what keeps this game from really replicating real life BUT if you just add 10 strokes to every score you see I think it brings it more into focus. The problem there is, not too many people are going to stick around to be high 70s low 80s golfers in a video game.