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New Stroke Play Courses.

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Sat, Apr 26 2014 12:34 PM (8 replies)
  • jacracer
    1 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 2:12 PM

    If you could please make some of the courses available for closest to the hole available for stroke play wgt would really improve. The same courses over and over again get boring.

  • Coyote37
    143 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 4:10 PM

    There has been 100's of threads requesting this topic. 

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 4:26 PM

    The same courses over and over again get boring.

    With only 24 ranked rounds played and no matchplay or alternate shot rounds, I hardly think a new course would help you any.


    BTW,  my fried request was an accident, don't be offended if you accept and I drop you.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 5:02 PM


    If you could please make some of the courses available for closest to the hole available for stroke play wgt would really improve. The same courses over and over again get boring.

    Say what?

    What account do you normally play under, as you sure as hell do not play the courses over and over.

    Perhaps you have the memory retention of a goldfish.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Wed, Apr 23 2014 12:34 PM

    WGT has to reach a licensing agreement with each golf course it wants to add.

    Use licenses cost a lot of money.

    WGT recently added the Pinehurst #2's front 9 and back 9 for CTTH play.

    This May we get Pinehurst #2 for 18 hole stroke play because it's the 2014 US Open Venue.

    WGT is currently working on an 18-hole stroke play course made from 18 of the par 3 holes at the Bandon Dunes Resort golf courses. WGT players got to select 9 of the 18 holes holes.

    The required photography (it takes 200,000 to 300,00 photos which costs several thousand dollars to shoot) has been scheduled so WGT can then add Pebble Beach Golf Links for 18 hole stroke play.

    In May of 2015 we will get CTTH and 18-hole stroke play versions of the 2015 US Open venue Chambers Bay.

    FWIW - adding all 18 holes of a golf course requires about 6 months worth of work by WGT.

    Exclusive: The Making of World Golf Tour

  • troutman99
    53 Posts
    Wed, Apr 23 2014 10:20 PM

    if they created more courses i think WGT would become the most popular game of any genre online jmo...and it would be alot of fun for all...still fun as it is, but i think at some point you start to expand if things are going well...alll jmo though...:)

  • WoodenHands
    526 Posts
    Wed, Apr 23 2014 10:55 PM


    If you could please make some of the courses available for closest to the hole available for stroke play wgt would really improve. The same courses over and over again get boring.

    Have you even played each course twice yet ?



  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Apr 26 2014 11:56 AM


     The same courses over and over again get boring.

    WGT's top players have extensive notes, either written down or just remembered, compiled by playing the same golf courses over and over again. 


  • JasonBlazer
    2,246 Posts
    Sat, Apr 26 2014 12:34 PM

    How that anyone could complain about the courses offered stuns me. First, it's a free site, you never " have" to spend money. Second, if you lived in a country club, would you move because you were "bored with the course"? You can play a course a thousand times and never master it, so maybe you need to rethink your complaints. So many whiners.