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Get well harryralph

Sat, Jul 12 2014 8:38 AM (63 replies)
  • matricia
    26 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 8:30 AM

    Get well Harry we all miss you and have you in prayer. God's best to you my friend and see you soon.


  • tatabud
    351 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 12:12 PM

    Get Well soon Harry we are all praying for u here smile!!!

  • Tigerpaw509
    1,285 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 4:18 PM

    Get well soon Harry our thoughts and prayers for you and your Family.Stay strong my friend I know you gonna birdie this.


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Tue, Apr 29 2014 5:23 PM

    God bless each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers. Great news tonight, the doctors have removed the tube and taken him off the ventilator. His wife Lee says he's even talking a little bit.  A very big hurdles been cleared.  They're still removing fluids through dialysis, and now have to work on getting his kidneys operating fully.

    God bless you Harry- you're a fighter.


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Apr 30 2014 4:25 AM

    Wednesday- 7:05 A.M.  est--  More good news on Harry's Face book page this morning;


    Seems one of his friends was visiting last night and during their long conversation Harry kept asking him to sneak him out of the hospital. Sounds like the Harry we all know but not a wise idea considering the continued healing process he's going to need.  I asked his friend if the next time he spoke to Harry if he would let him know all his WGT friends have had him in our thoughts and prayers, and will continue to do so until his full recovery. I also told him to tell him if he doesn't listen to the doctors and behave himself for his own good, I'm getting on a plane and going down there and make sure that he does. Stubborn as the day is long, but it's probably served him well so far in his recovery process.

    Good bless you Harry-- Keep the faith and stay strong.

  • newcastleb
    1,813 Posts
    Wed, Apr 30 2014 5:33 AM

    Great to hear, though as you say, hardly surprising..

    Keep on keeping on H, my putting's slowly improving so I might actually win one next time


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Wed, Apr 30 2014 6:54 PM

    Better news again today, doctors removed his feeding tube, and changed his room from ICU to PCU.  His wife says a little improvement everyday.  He's very weak and tired, but that's to be expected with meds and what he's been through.  She states he still has a long road to go, and they're not sure how long dialysis is going to continue.  Another positive, he starts PT tomorrow.  Like she keeps saying, baby steps but improvement everyday.

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 6:12 AM

    No posts on the actual day Harry's going to go home from the hospital yet, but more encouraging posts.  A couple of his friends who have been visiting and updating his progress on his Face book page, posted that when visiting Saturday, he mentioned to them he had  a craving for cheese pizza.  The went to Papa Johns and said he enjoyed his pizza, despite not eating a lot.  Understood considering the brand of pizza that was chosen, lol.

    He's still on dialysis, so probably once they can get his kidneys functioning properly again, he'll most likely go home to his wonderful wife and beautiful new twins.  Physical therapy still and compared to the 1rst alarming notices, the latest posts are showing great strides and progress in his recovery.

    When you read this Harry, my stroke avg. is currently sitting at 60.21, so as soon as I can get below 60.10, I'll slow down and wait for you so I can take the next step playing alongside you.

    TY ev1 again for your thoughts and prayers, it looks like it won't be long until he's grinding away here at WGT again.

  • Geagle1
    110 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 6:13 AM

    Good news about Harry.  Thanks for the update Ed.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, May 4 2014 8:42 AM

    A couple of his friends who have been visiting and updating his progress on his Face book page

    Sheesh. They coulda brought him in a lappy to get a golf fix on. Some friends.  :-D