I'm going to answer honestly but less politely than necessary for other players' sake. Please excuse me in advance for this piece of my mind. No offence intended.
While your buys gave you better clubs than the Starters are, I'm sorry to see that you bought without asking in detail and deviated from our hints.
R11 driver: not much use beside the L0 MAX driver - a 3WD would have been better and cheaper. Please unequip one of them.
No custom 3WD - this leaves a big gap in your game, and the Starter 3WD is crap IIRC.
R11 irons: o.k. but not really necessary - there have been hints to better clubs at lvl 48(?).
Cleveland wedges (lvl 22): I'm guessing, lower quality than the lvl41 Pings or lvl39 ATV which I proposed. At least they are cheap and replace the crappy Starter wedges.
Spider putter: In my personal opinion, also too early. If you had asked, I'd have told you, "no putter below 500 crs". Three reasons in short: good quality of the Starter putter + player's learning curve + quality of higher level equipment.
Heads up - have fun!