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"the RG LIST again"

Sat, Apr 25 2015 5:26 AM (37 replies)
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 6:49 PM

    I agree with more 50 RGs , they are fun to play and doesn't break the bank  for us low credit guys.

     Would it be possible to have 50 cent RGs for every 100 and 200 credit RGs. In other words if there is  total of 6 100 and 200 RGs combined on different courses, could we have that many 50 centers?

  • MolotovSolution
    10 Posts
    Mon, Jun 2 2014 8:28 AM


  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Mon, Jun 2 2014 3:36 PM



    That's the main point why should we have to complain every month about the same subject.? If you know we like high stake rg's then how come everytime they change over you guys don't make any new ones? That's like a customer coming to your store or whatever everyday getting the same drink etc and you not remembering what they order EVERYDAY SAME THING get it?  So you say it makes you hear us less but the point is obvious that you or anyone else can't hear or read EVERY MONTH as you said. EVERY MONTH EVERY MONTH EVERY MONTH LOL your words now think about it. I bet someone will have to ask next month also just as EVERY MONTH LOL.


    how many people here like high stakes? it takes 50 to fill them and maybe I heard 5 total. Hence, why I am asking what conditions you all would prefer so it closes fastest.

    what I like may not be what you like, so help me, help you :)


    The conditions and course can change every month aslong as they are rolling monthly and not introduced then forgot about the month after again.It's been mentioned in a lot of other threads all we want is high stakes the rest is down to you

    You as anyone on here knows they closed almost daily or at most 2-3 days,there is always 50 guys will play in these simply because there high stakes and would close 10 times faster than the tour legend and eneven lies rg's

    A 2000,1000 and a couple 500 keep them rolling monthly,as it was over the xmas period and they'll  fill quick, simply change the courses and wind conditions every month

    The 1000 ctth did well too for a high stakes and we seen nothing of it after xmas


  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Tue, Jun 3 2014 2:13 PM

    the 50 credit ready-go fill faster than any other and should therefore be atleast as plentiful as the others. the high stakes ready-go are important because they help in keeping the "heavy hitters" out of the 50 credit games....everyones a winner!


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Jun 3 2014 3:24 PM

    $10 Cabo Ready go from Master Tees

    $20 Best of Famous Holes

    $5 St Andrews 18 holes & or Olympic 18 holes/ Best of Hardest

    Now tell me these will take days to fill??

    All the $2 can be any thing any course front back or 18, just cut the amount of UL lies and tour legend ready go's

  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Thu, Jun 5 2014 11:35 AM

    lmao u would see 20-50 replys here asking for highstakes RG's but we have given up all hope 

    its like banging your head against a brickwall  

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 9:20 AM

    The uneven lie Cabo $5 ready go had one entrant yesterday, 24 hours later it has TWO. Does this not tell you to scrap uneven lie $5 and swap It with even lie Cabo (maybe off pro tees..LOL)

  • MolotovSolution
    10 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 11:32 AM


  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Fri, Jun 6 2014 4:36 PM

    complaining every month is not helpful and just makes us hear you less.


    This statement from the top says it all,let's just leave it now we obviously have no say in this game,from now on i will be using the forums to talk to the players(in other games it's called customers)


  • WillyBigg
    2,135 Posts
    Sat, Jun 7 2014 9:19 AM

    Now wgt eliminates 50 credit RG's completely, except for the uneven lies. Come on wgt, you won't be receiving any RG credits from me this month. That's the dumbest move you've made on the RG's to date. Why ask us what we want, obviously it only matters what you want, LMAO. I shouldn't complain, since the vem is jacked so high, RG's are a waste of time anyway. Thanks wgt for stopping the urge to enter RG's, it will save me a ton of credits.