In response to paying extra just for a different color,
I think my answer is obvious lol. I've been asking for a yellow Callaway for quite some time now.
The other day, I took my last 550 credits and tried a sleeve of the L81 Nike ball.
Went through the entire sleeve using mulligans and comparing them to the L33 Callaway.
I tried different spin amounts with both balls and never got more than an extra yard or two between irons.
Driver differences were only minimal, and with differing amounts of spin, the L33 can be just as long and even longer on some hits.
So.... L33 250 credits for white or 275 credits for yellow, is still 2 sleeves to 1 sleeve of nikes.
Spending a few extra credits for a different color sure beats spending double the credits for another white ball that hardly has any added benefit.