alosso: these are programmed into the game.
I understand that much of it, but I don't understand how it could be so difficult to re-program certain parts of the game? I also get that the work, as far as pictures etc. has been done already. It just seems that, with the technology of today, it shouldn't take much to alter just a few areas on a few course's, even if it was just to Photoshop them, re-write code to put a player in that spot after a water shot, and away we go.
I also know I'm no programmer and that simple solution may not be simple, or even possible, to do. I guess all I'm saying is if it is possible and not costly, it sure would be nice to have it done. Lastly, and I know we are all sick of hearing even the word VEM, but TURN THE DAMN THING OFF, PLEASE!!
This week I have had putt, after putt, after putt, after putt, after putt lip out and a small % of them I can say were my doing. The rest, if there is no such program in the game, were then caused by the ghost in the machine. And that ghost doesn't want people moving up tiers too quickly. Two days ago I played the TM RG at St A. My avg has been steadily dropping since following the advice of Jimbog & YankeeJim to switch balls, and was at 64.7 when I started the round.
I shot 11 under on the front, so I figured if I just par out even, I should place at least 3rd. I was wrong on that, it would have tied me for 1st. But, none of that happened because I somehow shot 4 over on the back and was 7th place. I know it happens to everyone, but when it happens repeatedly, it really makes me think it can't be me. I've played competitive sports way too long to get jumpy or nervous or lose concentration to screw my play up in a virtual game. But I can still get plenty pissed off when things, seemingly, out of my control do it for me.
And yes, I know, I write too much.