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Tier progression

Sun, Nov 3 2024 5:01 PM (179 replies)
  • wibble1611
    9 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 2:16 AM

    Hi all,

    A little confused on the criteria for tier progression and wonder if its not all totally related to average score. A few week ago I advanced from master to tour master with an average of around 63.5 (seems in roughly the right area) and then advanced to Legend tier today with an average of 62.5 (which seems too high).

    Noticed however, that when I advanced it coincided with coming first in a couple of ready go tournaments. Not that I'm unhappy with being advanced(!), just wondering if WGT has other criteria for progression than solely average score.

    Has anybody else experienced this?


  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 10:59 AM

    I know I got moved from pro to tour pro right after a ready-go in which I shot a low score.. and I've seen others get advanced quickly if they're winning tournaments.. I figure it's to counter-act the sandbagging.. which isn't a bad thing. IMO.. just my observations, I might be wrong.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 11:26 AM

    Your scoring average is adjusted if you win ready-go and match play games.

    WGT instituted the feature to combat players that deliberately manipulated their scoring average to avoid moving to a higher tier (sand bagging).

    WGT – Tiers

    • When you have played at least 5 ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 100 you go from Hack to Amateur.
    • When you have played at least 10  ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 80 you go from Amateur to Pro.
    • When you have played at least 20 ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 72 you go from Pro to Tour Pro
    • When you have played at least 30 ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 67 you go from Tour Pro to Master
    • When you have played at least 40  ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 63 you go from Master to Tour Master
    • When you have played at least 50 ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 61 you go from Tour Master to Legend 
    • When you have played at least 500  ranked rounds - and your average score is equal to or lower than 60 you go from Legend  to Tour Legend


    Notice that those minimal number of ranked rounds are also the number of best rounds used to compute your average in that particular tier. So if you are Tour Master for example, your average is computed with your best 50 ranked round (that's why you need at least 50 rounds to move up).

  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 11:52 AM

    ISH47, the same thing happened to me but i jumped more rapidly. started playing RG'S as tour pro after a few rounds bumped to master. started placing higher and bumped to tour master and banged out alot of top 3 finishes and within 2 weeks of tour master was bumped to legend. there is no set criteria on level advancement because as a legend i had over 500 ranked rounds and my average was always in the 58's. i made legend at 280 rounds and made tour legend at 780.  which would be about 500 rounds as a legend. But there is at least 100 rounds of par 5's and par 3's which doesn't effect your average. its hard to tell, i got accused alot of sand bagging and my comment was always ask WGT why. my game improved greatly when i was playing alt shot on WGTLS. My teams helped me tremendously, they are some of the best this game has, so i thank, Tinybo, Roaddogstyle, Deanbarr, Spongia, shunkyone420, and i can't forget Rikirulz, thank guys for the lessons.

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 2:33 PM

    Its the one variable no one really seems to have a handle on when it comes to tier progression, credits earned.

    Generally, WGT follows somewhere pretty close to the guidelines that Apex laid out, however, from TM and below, if you are placing high in RGs and earning  significant credits in them, as well as the weeklies and monthlies, WGT will bump you up before you hit those guidelines.

    I started with RGs at Pro. I got bumped up every tier, until legend, well before i met the ranked rounds stated, as well as average.  The one major tier that the guidelines held, was for Tour Legend. I was well over 500 RR and i had to get to a 60 average and I was playing a lot of RGs at that point.

    I think that WGT uses that one variable as a anti sandbagging, anti multi account measure.  If you are a TL or Legend and want to play in the lower tiers with a second account trying to cherry pick credits, you won't be able to spend much time there doin it, which is fair enough. It isn't right for someone who has been playing the game for 2+ years and has everything dialed in, to be playing in RGs and tourneys with people who only been in the game for a few months.

    I personally think it is a money/credit measure as well.  The jump from TM to Legend has the biggest impact on the equipment that you use.  You see  post after post here saying that you don't need the top top equipment at pro, TP or Master/TM, however, with the length added at legend, you better have a decent driver(282+) and some good irons(speedbladez or 85 nikes) to compete.  If you still got your 59 G20's or something similar, you will be hard pressed to rank in any tourney or RG. So if you are at master or TM cleaning up, WGT is just gonna bump you and force you to use up some of those creds to upgrade your kit. Also fair enough, if you are in this game for the long haul and legit, you won't have a problem with that. You just need to hope that you played the leveling game correct and you are at a high enough level to get some decent gear to compete at legend. 

    If you are cherry picking it won't get you very far. Maybe enough to fund the next account and do it all over again. Prob decent to good legends that don't have what it takes to make the jump to TL, so they will just spend eternity as Gr8 Pros - Tour Masters and nothing more, or TL's who can't handle the high level of play when you get there so again they restart, so they can feel like a big fish again.

    Anyway, I have yet to see a post where someone has figured out how many credits you have to earn or how high you need to be placing at each tier to get WGT to bump you early. It does happen though. I still think matchplay and MPC triggers early bumps as well.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 3:09 PM


    <truth snipped>

    Anyway, I have yet to see a post where someone has figured out how many credits you have to earn or how high you need to be placing at each tier to get WGT to bump you early. It does happen though. I still think matchplay and MPC triggers early bumps as well.

    I agree.

    AFAIK, match play wins against higher tiers just drop the average, the amount seems variable. To win credits in tourneys and challenge games may lead around the minimum games number and average thresholds.

    Some have been seen tiering up with a higher than expected average, some have been seen tiering up without any strokeplay, only from matches.

    No exact figures available though, only guesswork.

    Edit: All this is only working below Legend tier.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 3:18 PM

    That's good stuff guys..

    All I know is, after I got the bump  to TP, I quit playing RG's.. lol..  because I might eek out a good round occasionally when I'm lucky enough to get a few putts to drop, but I'm nowhere near good enough to think about playing above my current tier.. I'm happy to just level-up and bide my time. 

  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 9:35 PM

    i have to agree with you on the mp games.  as a legend playing vs legends im 146 - 26 which was done mostly in 1 month to get the match play diamond award. it hard enough just to figure out what WGT is doing with this game these days let alone the tier progression. it was hard for me when i made legend, we didnt have all these clubs that we have now at lower levels. 

  • wibble1611
    9 Posts
    Mon, May 26 2014 2:04 AM


    All I know is, after I got the bump  to TP, I quit playing RG's.. lol..  because I might eek out a good round occasionally when I'm lucky enough to get a few putts to drop, but I'm nowhere near good enough to think about playing above my current tier.. I'm happy to just level-up and bide my time. 

    Going to be the same for a little while until I improve enough to compete in the Legend  RGs :o) That's one of the things I love about WGT - the scope and incentive to improve. It's satisfying and enjoyable when you can see your game improve and are able to compete against others in your same tier.

  • jackjenkinsss
    2 Posts
    Sun, Sep 14 2014 10:08 AM

    Hi and thank you for the break down of their criteria. It's the first I've seen. 


    Now on to my issue: I just got bumped from TP to Master with a 66.92 average, 38 ranked rounds, no driver, starter irons, and I am a level 38 at the time.


    I understand the scoring adjustment if it's to combat sandbagging, but my average was not adjusted, I don't think. I simply moved up because of some good, streaky play. How does such advancement help anyone?