I will take the unpopular view - from most players point of view and definitely from WGT standpoint.
Equipment is too good as it is - the game has become too easy for those who have taken the time to really learn it (luckily, this excludes me). So we do not need better equipment - this includes balls. Sure give us choice but attributes are good enough (well too good).
Equipment branding is irrelevant apart from the perceived marketing value, as they are just pixels in this game. A WGT ball could have better specs than say a Nike as they are just values assigned to that name.
By giving 5 dots of precision, then should we not expect a greatly increased margin of error if we miss the ding?
For example for years I used blades rather than cavity back irons - great when you hit the sweet spot, van be disastrous when you don't. These days I cannot use the blades as I am more of a casual player.
So I hope if WGT elect for higher precision/length the higher the risk ratio is.
But this is a business, and WGT generally do not listen anyway.