nOW I AM OIN A .....SORRYOk lets start all fresh here - I am on a Blitz Bender and I have been hoding up fair to middlin' until I start up tonight and straight 28 handicap my tee shot. But - I am still palying. YouMy name is Yancy
There you go!
Now I feels better and such seeing some other shots and whatnots.I fired this one off a my first shot o' the day - after just starting me second folgers!Going in for mores.IamYancy
Lol, I wasted 45 seconds of my life watching that.
Funny thread that died too soon
Some really funny shots out there
Here is one I have from the baby tees
replay.aspx?ID=48af5aee 9872 46e4 972a a38800bd3a05
I agree with you, it did end too soon. WE HAVE ALL DONE IT! Especially Yancy`s, check out the green and forget to change the shot back to full, and pitch a 200 yd shot 40 yds.
I never saved it, I was afraid aliens might think I`m related
DonCaron: I agree with you, it did end too soon. WE HAVE ALL DONE IT! Especially Yancy`s, check out the green and forget to change the shot back to full, and pitch a 200 yd shot 40 yds. I never saved it, I was afraid aliens might think I`m related
oh yeah the old pitch view and thinking wtf, why is 3 iron that high !!
Not embarrassing but rage-inducing!! Camera 4 view is best.
"Hawaii Golf on One Cup of Coffee", I am Yancy