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Selling balls by the dozen

rated by 0 users
Tue, Jul 1 2014 10:39 AM (13 replies)
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  • Stewart4100
    3,714 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 9:53 AM

    Rather than only having the option to buy a sleeve of balls, why not give those of us who know what we like the opportunity to save a little money by buying a box of 12 for a discount?? Simple change - might be popular!

  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 4:00 PM

    Thanks for the suggestion. We will be sure to pass that along. Good luck in your next match.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 4:34 PM


    Thanks for the suggestion. We will be sure to pass that along. Good luck in your next match.

    Pass it along to whom? Mr digital shredder? LoL

    Ya like that'll ever see the light of day in any meeting..... hahahaha


    Sort of like this post....

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 4:34 PM

    What a lame reply, REALLY.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 5:18 PM


    What a lame reply, REALLY.

    What a lame reply, REALLY.


  • WGTadmin
    1,166 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 5:54 PM

    I can see the humor in DEDBUNNY's post. However, the player should realize that we are in the customer support / forum moderator realm. We don't decide what gets added and what doesn't. That is why I replied that we will pass along the idea of giving players a discount if they purchase a "box" of balls rather than a sleeve. 

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 6:46 PM

    I can see the humor in DEDBUNNY's post. However, the player should realize that we are in the customer support / forum moderator realm. We don't decide what gets added and what doesn't. That is why I replied that we will pass along the idea of giving players a discount if they purchase a "box" of balls rather than a sleeve. 

    Either you have a TON of patience, or Chad's rule is just suck it up and be nice.

    I'm pretty sure that reply was not meant in humor.

    I think the OP's idea is a good one. But, I can hear the shredder from here (that's humor).

    Look at hpurey for example. he asked nicely, along with his many friends/allies for yellow Cally's for a long, long time...and it WORKED. And, it worked because there were $$$$'s to be made. The OP's idea is also a $$$$$-maker.

  • ab1983
    115 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 7:58 PM


    Thanks for the suggestion. We will be sure to pass that along. Good luck in your next match.

    this sounded like a burn to me

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 8:26 PM

    for a discount

    See, you had me until right there...  lol

    Look at hpurey for example. he asked nicely, along with his many friends/allies for yellow Cally's for a long, long time...and it WORKED. And, it worked because there were $$'s to be made. The OP's idea is also a $$$-maker.

    Hazen's idea didn't involve a discount.. I feel you though.

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, Jun 30 2014 9:09 PM

     Contrary to what has been said,,,,selling balls in bulk with a discount would not be a money maker for WGT and they are very aware of it,,,,,also the occasional free ball is in my opinion not worth the attempted goodwill gesture because they are useless to those of us that know the value of using a better rated ball ,in fact I would trade all the free balls in my bag I'll never use (about 30) for three level 39 Callys LOL,,,I doubt we will ever see balls sold in bulk at a discounted price or a better rated occasional free ball that would match the balls in our bags,it would be nice but it's not going to happen.....sad but true,,,

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