Until the tournament is closed and the player is removed from the tournament, which can only happen once the tournament is ended, that player is going to show up. I am just trying to point out that we do check leaderboards and do remove a bunch of players from the leaderboards.
- WGTdbloshoe
You guys can save yourselves the trouble of reading reports, checking leaderboards, suspending accounts, and reassigning prizes by creating systematic barriers to multi-accounting.
Make players put in a significant amount of time before they can win anything substantial. 50 Ranked Rounds combined at Hack and Am without any wagering, plus 50 at each of Pro and TPro playing for only penny-ante stakes should do it.
There might be a few honest low-tier players who don't like this, but 150 RRs goes by pretty fast for most avid new players. Then, they'd have Master and TM competitions with a level playing field. I think that's worth it.
WGTdbloshoe: We really do try and highlight the best players who are Legends and Tour Legends.
News flash: the Legend tier has been and continues to be infested with Multis. This is where the anti-multi changes that were put in a couple of years ago meet their ultimate failure, since they create an expressway into Legend. Once there, the mediocre-TL-in-real-life multis have 500 Ranked Rounds in which to prosper. There exists a species of Legend player that pops up only occasionally, and only in the events with the best prizes. The way things are, these players will be able to work the system for years.
Multi-accounting is easy. Make it so that multi-accounting isn't worth the trouble. Problem solved.