Hi Akash,
+1 to your points above (and I like your suggestion and nice linked list of some tougher L-only RGs). A 50cr 18-holer is a total snafu, as is a 500cr 9-holer IMO (too high a stake on whether you're hot out of the gate). I do hope we're not stuck with these permutations for a month!
In your other post, you asked for a Legend-only UEL RG. We did a couple one month last Spring, but they were slow to fill. I think I overpriced them. I'm happy to try again.
Apparently, there is someone new at WGT doing the RGs, and the suggestion list that I send through Icon is being more or less modified each time (very much "more" this time it seems).
FYI: I have been offering suggestions for a year or so now, and I consult with a pool of three top UEL players (who come with varying perspectives and preferred credit ranges). I then consolidate their feedback and submit a list that I think offers a good challenge, variety on what we've had recently, and meets various target audiences.
This is what I sent in for February: note the first one was supposed to be an additional 50cr RG, an experiment to offer one of the new green speeds as a strategic challenge with a course that asks the question of whether to go for the green in two or not.
Batch 12 :: suggestions :: for February 2015
9-hole :: Bo5 b9 :: 50cr :: Mod wind / SuperFast greens / Default pins / own-tier tees / Uneven Lies CHANGED TO CHAMP GREENS
9-hole :: Kiawah b9 :: 50cr :: Mod wind / Tourney11 greens / Hard pins / own-tier tees / Uneven Lies NOT IMPLEMENTED
9-hole :: Pinehurst f9 :: 100cr :: Mod wind / Tourney12 greens / Hard pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies CHANGED TO 500cr
18-hole :: BoF 18 :: 200cr :: High wind / VFast greens / Default pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies NOT IMPLEMENTED
18-hole :: Olympic 18 :: 300cr :: Mod wind / Champ13 greens / Default pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies CHANGED TO 50cr
18-hole :: BoH 18 :: 500cr :: Mod wind / Champ13 greens / Default pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies NOT IMPLEMENTED
Also the Oly18 was only supposed to be included if put in place last week; we were hoping for it as a complement for the remainder of the UEL Ryder Cup, but as the event is now practically over, I had asked for that 300cr UEL RG to be switched to RSG instead.