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Ready go's

Sun, Feb 15 2015 9:14 PM (33 replies)
  • 1enigma1
    486 Posts
    Thu, Oct 9 2014 7:10 PM

    Agreed some of us don't have the GIANT credit stacks yet! the 50, 100 and 200 r.g*s are great for players still learning this great game (IMO) a little more variety would be nice in the T.M r.g*s too ...ty..... 

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Thu, Oct 9 2014 7:53 PM


    Why are the TL RG's so slow to fill? The TL's have no problem playing the open RG's for all players.

    better odds in open events i presume - even if small

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 12:24 PM

    hi guys

    thanks for the feedback, i'll try to get these improved based on the replies below.


  • MBidney
    145 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 12:41 PM


    1. IMO any RG that takes over 48 hours to fill should be scrapped.  

    2.  Until it takes more than 2 days to fill up higher stakes RG's more should be added.  Adding these, as long as they fill, thin out some of the lower stakes RG''s and will entice more people to play them as they have a better chance of placing.

    3.  Add more lower stake RG's (50c) until they stop filling up.

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 1:10 PM

    Right now there are 10 TL rg's and 8 UEL rg's. They take for ever to fill up. Why do they continue to create them every month. Just a question.

    Just FYI, the UEL RGs have been filling faster and faster each month, presumably as more and more players give the format a try and enjoy the challenge of it.

    I track how well they do, and take that into account in the regular presentation of a suggested list every month.

    But that said, the speed in which they fill should be a minor factor: they're a niche market. You either want to play them or not, and if they're clearly labelled they shouldn't bother anyone who's not interested. (They're not restricting the number of options for flat-lies if that's anyone's concern.)

    This particular month, there's a snafu in that someone at WGT 'corrected' the Best of Par 4 2cr version that had been created initially, and made it a 200cr one but converted it to UEL instead of flats. That meant we now have two UEL RGs on the Bo4 course. One of them was never intended.

    Right now, there's also an additional one in there at Oakmont b9 which must be due to cycle out quickly. It too is only there because of a snafu: it was initially created last month in a version with 5 participants (instead of 50). When they fixed that many days later, it meant it had a longer lifecycle than normal.

    I strongly suspect someone in WGT has a malfunctioning '0' key on their keyboard... ;)

  • aichapman
    1,424 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 4:21 PM

    As always, some great input and feedback, but does anything change?

    We all have our personal likes and dislikes when it comes to RGT's, so a year or so ago, I asked if it was technically possible to add a page or 2 in the format or change the format to "only" T/L, L, T/M etc for Rgt's and then add a Page for Open Games in entry fee value 50c to 150c, 200c to 400c and 500 and aboveor something along those lines.

    That way you have your Tier Level Rgt's and Open Level Rgt's in Entry fee ranges.

    If that is possible and not too time consuming or costly to change from a tech point of view, would it help.

    At least we would have more tournaments to choose from and it would be easier to see what was popular and what was not.

    Obviously it was a stupid idea or so hard to comprehend that I got absolutely no reply, not even a single derogatory comment.........shucks. :)

    PS of course you could have a page for Uneven Lies as well.

    Just throwing it out there, for what it's worth folks

    Regards from Alan

  • akash1592
    322 Posts
    Tue, Feb 10 2015 3:39 PM

    I just saw the Olympic 18 hole Uneven lie RG is changed from 500cr to 50cr..

    Who is going to play that ?????  when the winner will get only 300cr..   you use almost the same amount in ball, to play full 18 uneven game..

    Cmon, wgt, that RG needs to be 500cr.


    And please add more Legend Only RG's,  it got better, some weeks ago, when we had 3 - 200cr RG's and 1-300cr RG,   but now, all we have is 2 - 200cr RG, and 1 - 100cr.


    I would love to see some High wind - champ greens, RG's for Legends,, makes it that bit difficult, and challenging to play.. thank you..


    P.S.  - I have posted my list here  ,  please check thanks

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Tue, Feb 10 2015 8:21 PM

    Hi Akash,

    +1 to your points above (and I like your suggestion and nice linked list of some tougher L-only RGs). A 50cr 18-holer is a total snafu, as is a 500cr 9-holer IMO (too high a stake on whether you're hot out of the gate). I do hope we're not stuck with these permutations for a month!

    In your other post, you asked for a Legend-only UEL RG. We did a couple one month last Spring, but they were slow to fill. I think I overpriced them. I'm happy to try again.

    Apparently, there is someone new at WGT doing the RGs, and the suggestion list that I send through Icon is being more or less modified each time (very much "more" this time it seems).

    FYI: I have been offering suggestions for a year or so now, and I consult with a pool of three top UEL players (who come with varying perspectives and preferred credit ranges). I then consolidate their feedback and submit a list that I think offers a good challenge, variety on what we've had recently, and meets various target audiences.

    This is what I sent in for February: note the first one was supposed to be an additional 50cr RG, an experiment to offer one of the new green speeds as a strategic challenge with a course that asks the question of whether to go for the green in two or not.

    Batch 12 :: suggestions :: for February 2015

    9-hole ::  Bo5 b9 :: 50cr :: Mod wind / SuperFast greens / Default pins  / own-tier tees / Uneven Lies  CHANGED TO CHAMP GREENS

    9-hole ::  Kiawah b9 :: 50cr :: Mod wind / Tourney11 greens / Hard pins  / own-tier tees / Uneven Lies  NOT IMPLEMENTED

    9-hole :: Pinehurst f9 :: 100cr :: Mod wind / Tourney12 greens / Hard pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies  CHANGED TO 500cr

    18-hole :: BoF 18 :: 200cr :: High wind / VFast greens / Default pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies    NOT IMPLEMENTED

    18-hole :: Olympic 18 :: 300cr :: Mod wind / Champ13 greens / Default pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies   CHANGED TO 50cr

    18-hole :: BoH 18 :: 500cr :: Mod wind / Champ13 greens / Default pins / own-tier Tees / Uneven Lies    NOT IMPLEMENTED

    Also the Oly18 was only supposed to be included if put in place last week; we were hoping for it as a complement for the remainder of the UEL Ryder Cup, but as the event is now practically over, I had asked for that 300cr UEL RG to be switched to RSG instead.

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Wed, Feb 11 2015 8:23 AM

    9-hole ::  Bo5 b9 :: 50cr :: Mod wind / SuperFast greens / Default pins  / own-tier tees / Uneven Lies  CHANGED TO CHAMP GREENS

    The above RG is really Championship 14 green speed. didn't even know that was possible. 

    WGT needs specify the correct greens speeds in their descriptions.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Feb 11 2015 10:08 AM

    We will always take your suggestions on the RG's under advisement, but doesn't mean it will happen 100% of the time. One of them you asked for super fast, I know they didn't want to put any of the crazy green speeds in, but still wanted to give a different speed so 14 was put in. Keep sending your suggestions in and I am sure they will keep on trying to get them in.         - WGTdbloshoe