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Alternate shot challenge mode (playing for credits)

Tue, Aug 5 2014 12:47 PM (10 replies)
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  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Jul 27 2014 9:06 PM

    Hey all,

    I decided to put this thread in the announcement section of the forums because it typically gets the most views.

    I was just wondering what wgt thought about this and the general public on wgt.  I'm sure this idea came up at one time before to add credit play to alternate shot. I was curious how many people would support this idea, and also, if wgt has discussed this before which I'm assuming to be the case -  what the reasons are for not implementing this idea. Only thing that comes to mind would be the fact some states and countries can't play for credits, so some friendships might be slighted if only one of the two could play for credits.

    As it stands right now, if you want some good competitive fun in alt shot, you're left with wgtls; which as it is right now, not the most pleasant sites to correspond with and I'll just leave it at that.

    Adding credit alternate shot mode option would certainly spice that game mode up a bit.



  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Tue, Jul 29 2014 9:09 PM

    I'm surprised there hasn't been a single response to this! I guess not many people who participate on the forums enjoy alternate shot AND having something on the line.

    I know alternate shot is seen as more of a just for fun mode on wgt, but it is a very competitive mode in professional golf. Ryder coming to the fore front of my mind. Adding the ability to play for credits with this mode I think is a no brainer personally.

    I was hoping to get some more supporters! :(


    165 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 8:06 AM

    I would be all for alt shot having challenge mode with credits

    #1 thing I still want thou is multi player for CC Tourneys , so can play live rounds with other CC Members ,,would be so much fun .

  • pase4win
    232 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 8:35 AM

    Super idea think it would make alt games a blast .

  • broadway43
    9 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 1:00 PM

    I agree with you 100% and support your idea of this. Alternate shot is a very fun and interacting game. However, one can get in the minds of other on line players (weak minded) by what one person chats. I've seen time and time again especially with your legends which their favorite quote is "darn meter jumped" which I find hilarious. I find that LEGENDS are fast to quit the game or now disconnect three times because they do not like to lose to players under rated than they are so with playing with credits this might would stop some of this from happening. That is my personal opinion and not all legends are like what I stated above but personally find that more so than not.


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 1:27 PM

    Its a good idea and I would love to see it, but, IIRC, the reason Icon said it would prob not happen, has something to do with the fact that one player could lose credits based on actions or issues of another.

    Can't say I agreed, as I have enough peeps in my club and on list that I would put my creds on the line with and have no prob losing.  I think thought was, that if a couple random people palyed and one person tanked a shot and cost the game, or disconnected and lost the game for the other person it would cause a lot of problems.

    Like i said i don't agree. My feeling with creds and this game is you know the risk, you know in multiplayer, disconnects can happen, and its all part of it and if you aren't comfortable with ALL of the risks, including being paired with someone who could win or lose the match for you if this came to fruition, then you shouldn't be playing credit games.

    Pretty sure there was a thread started a while back about it and the idea was squashed tho. :(

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 1:32 PM

    This has been suggested several times and despite the "good idea" from the Mods, has never come into fruition. (I think Icon had some negatives but cant find the thread).

    Personally I think it would be a great idea and a small wager between friends would not strain things. But perhaps it is the non gambling states that is the reason it is hard to implement - or the incompetency of the programmers may also have some bearing.

    Also perhaps it has not been implemented as alt shot still seems to be the most unstable platform so far as game crashes go. It has improved dramatically from a couple of months ago but there are still the occasional crash that makes it very frustrating (and I seldom play it now for that reason).

    Otherwise surely it is a win win situation! Hopefully AB, one day.

    As for Broadway's comments - there are players across the board of all tiers that quit, and for the record I would only contemplate playing (for credits)with like tiers and friends as high level, lower tiered players usually sets off alarm bells (and this is no slight on you). I will generally play Alt with any tier - but if I join a game with lower tiers, I usually get booted, if they join they leave.

    Alt is a game of fun, or should be IMHO. But some players will not play it (the competitive players) as it is deemed as a waste of ball life - this would bring those players back into this format.


  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 3:43 PM

    I've seen time and time again especially with your legends which their favorite quote is "darn meter jumped" which I find hilarious. I find that LEGENDS are fast to quit the game or now disconnect three times because they do not like to lose to players under rated than they are so with playing with credits this might would stop some of this from happening.

    bold statement from a lvl 87 tour pro 

    i only play alt shot with friends most of the time witch isnt a lot lol

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Aug 3 2014 7:12 PM

    Very good points so far and thanks for the feedback.

    The major three reasons thus far that I've read for not implementing alt shot challenge

    1. Alternate shot disconnects, although I rarely have issues myself and I have over 1200 alternate shot games played. I can say that less than 20 times has a game disconnected.

    2. The fact that you are dependent on your partner. So there's a possibility of your partner tanking the game, especially if you get grouped with 3 other people who are friends. But that's why you play with friends. I think most people play with friends anyway. I know a ton of people who would enjoy the ability to play for credits. And since we all know wgt is into taking a percentage of challenge matches. I would think wgt would be in favor. It would be another revenue stream. You know the risk before accepting the game. There are different but equal risks playing MPC.

    3. Some states have laws against gambling. I'm not a programmer, but this seems to me like it would be a really easy thing to implement. They already do it in match play, ready goes, tournaments, and brackets etc. It shouldn't be that hard.

    4 major reasons why wgt should add alternate shot challenge mode

    1. Creating a more competitive alternate shot atmosphere for those people who enjoy playing with friends with something on the line (happens in real life all the time but more 4 ball)

    2. Minimizing the amount of players who quit

    3. Revenue stream for wgt

    4. Increase the amount of participation of higher level players to alternate shot (who typically have loads of credits)

    To me, the positives far outweigh the negatives. To be honest there are negatives to challenge match play as well. People exploit it for sure. There will always be people who exploit things. The vast majority don't. Being the fact that wgt has always tried, and I do say tried to be realistic. Adding this mode I think is something that would benefit the game overall. If I remember correctly when match play challenge was first release, it had some problems as well. Not sure why that would be reason to not add alt shot challenge too. It may take some programming, and some touching up on disconnect issues first, but it would be worth the effort.


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Aug 5 2014 12:20 PM

    I think it'd be fun.

    I don't do random MPC, nor would I do Random AS for I wouldn't be worried about my partner tanking the round on purpose, nor would I be upset if my partner disconnected, as I'd know it wasn't on purpose.


    Playing with friends and having the ability (like in MPC) to "drop the match"-but in the lobby-would be a useful thing if one's timer was counting down.

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