Very good points so far and thanks for the feedback.
The major three reasons thus far that I've read for not implementing alt shot challenge
1. Alternate shot disconnects, although I rarely have issues myself and I have over 1200 alternate shot games played. I can say that less than 20 times has a game disconnected.
2. The fact that you are dependent on your partner. So there's a possibility of your partner tanking the game, especially if you get grouped with 3 other people who are friends. But that's why you play with friends. I think most people play with friends anyway. I know a ton of people who would enjoy the ability to play for credits. And since we all know wgt is into taking a percentage of challenge matches. I would think wgt would be in favor. It would be another revenue stream. You know the risk before accepting the game. There are different but equal risks playing MPC.
3. Some states have laws against gambling. I'm not a programmer, but this seems to me like it would be a really easy thing to implement. They already do it in match play, ready goes, tournaments, and brackets etc. It shouldn't be that hard.
4 major reasons why wgt should add alternate shot challenge mode
1. Creating a more competitive alternate shot atmosphere for those people who enjoy playing with friends with something on the line (happens in real life all the time but more 4 ball)
2. Minimizing the amount of players who quit
3. Revenue stream for wgt
4. Increase the amount of participation of higher level players to alternate shot (who typically have loads of credits)
To me, the positives far outweigh the negatives. To be honest there are negatives to challenge match play as well. People exploit it for sure. There will always be people who exploit things. The vast majority don't. Being the fact that wgt has always tried, and I do say tried to be realistic. Adding this mode I think is something that would benefit the game overall. If I remember correctly when match play challenge was first release, it had
some problems as well. Not sure why that would be reason to not add alt
shot challenge too. It may take some programming, and some touching up on disconnect issues first, but it would be worth the effort.