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Pal, go away.

Thu, Aug 21 2014 9:59 AM (25 replies)
  • bfinch48
    4 Posts
    Fri, Aug 15 2014 12:39 PM

    can't stand putter pal, please turn it off!!!

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Fri, Aug 15 2014 12:47 PM


    can't stand putter pal, please turn it off!!!

    Please see the second post in this thread.  Shows you how to turn it off.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • 8802
    4,333 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 6:26 PM

    Mindboggling that people can't stand putter pal.  I'd be lost without it and shot pal which has become a lifesaver for full shot mode under 60 yards.  I hardly ever chip or pitch anymore.  Flop occasionally.

    To each his own...

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sun, Aug 17 2014 6:49 PM


    Ahhh, now I feel really dumb, thanks!!!! lol :)

    Don't feel that dumb, the small bar is like a grain of rice, plus without arrows like many scroll bars. Even I didn't see it, granted, I haven't the need to fiddle much w/ the options.

    But WGT will take my suggestion and put some text ('scroll down for more') or put a more obvious scroll bar with arrows, like most every other scroll bar I've seen, so the forums won't be filled with angst and p$ssed off members.

    Actually, maybe WGT will just leave it as is. We'll see.



  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 1:13 AM

    We appreciate the feedback on Putter Pal being given to players in CCs. I think many players are so used to not having it that it really caught them off guard. You can always turn putter pal off. Again we've noted the complaints of people disliking it.

    Also thank you for your suggestion JFidanza.


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 1:30 AM

    If it was default off for shot / putter  pal, would make it a whole lot better IMO

  • TopShelf2010
    10,969 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 7:57 AM


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 11:44 AM

    The bottom line? As end users we have no idea whether the majority of players like it or don't. Only WGT knows the usage.

    If the default setting were "Off", many players would be totally unaware that they even have the item in their inventory. Then WGT would have to program all kinds of pop-up notifications reminding players at every game start up that they have it. Not an option I think the majority of us want to see. Better to leave the default at "On" and if you don't like it, turn it off.

    Some people don't like it and are turning it off. Some players like it and have been purchasing it all along. Some players are tearing their home-made versions off their computer screens and now using the free one WGT is giving them. Some aren't. Many casual players are finding it a pleasant surprise to find it on their game screens

     We have no idea whether the majority of WGT players are happy with the freebie and using it or not. I suspect they are or they don't pay attention to it. I also suspect many players who view this a casual game and don't play every day probably just see it as a meter upgrade, part of the game.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 12:05 PM

    Most all members are aware of the game options menu. (the scroll option there, not so much)

    But anyway, if you put the putter pal option in place of the 'show WGT lesson button' then it would be seen without the need to scroll. (or put it in place of the 'ball speed boost' option as the instructions on how to use/disable/control boost would be in the product description when they use credits to by boost in the proshop, if anyone uses it at all. Actually, I did)

    Maybe the short text 'putter pal control in options menu' , or something in the obvious places on the game client window, like next to, OR IN PLACE OF, the trivial info 'advance to tour master get 175 creds!'

    I think I can get half a ball with 175 creds...sry, that was a snark.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Aug 18 2014 12:24 PM

    If I were a newer player, I would not play another round with-out the Putter Pal or Shot Pal. I can see the benefits. I have sadly used my homemade piece of notebook paper way too long and the lines are my friend. Sad but true. I'm lazy and don't want to re-learn.