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*** Free rental weekend - live now ***

Mon, Aug 25 2014 1:29 AM (28 replies)
    1,141 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 5:03 AM

    THX ....

    would ya mind throwing in a ..level 100 ,,2day pass also ??

    oh !!... is there,,,,,, a special TURNY tooo.. ??

    one with the new ricky fowler driver ..(cobra) .. KWAZY 9 ??  ..or really just anything funn ??

    HUH .??   SHOE ??   icon ??  huh ??  HUh??  HUH ??? ..


    :)_~~    peace

  • callaway4wood
    112 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 5:05 AM

    thx  free rental rips

     mayby some tourneys to match the rental

    reverse the tee structure  or somthing like that

    just putting it out there

  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 6:17 AM

    The only problem is i  don't have nothing to rent
    Same for me. I'm 2/3rds of the way thru lvl 94 and this is the second consecutive free rentals weekend where there is nothing that I haven't already tried out to rent.

    I doubt it would ever happen, but how about allowing players over lvl 93 to rent one free sleeve of each ball so that they can try out different ball combinations with their clubs. At least then players stuck in the mid-90's would have something to experiment with during these free rental weekends and maybe after trying out better balls this could also lead to players upgrading their ball of choice permanently and in the long run make WGT more money. And before anyone mentions it, I appreciated this could work in reverse and players could find a cheaper ball that works just as well for them.



    409 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 6:49 AM

    Free This Free That.     Free The Black R1 Level 93 its been held hostage for too long...  :)    Doc 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 7:43 AM
    Or how about letting us rent anything but only in practice mode.
  • thombaoe2
    5 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 9:51 AM
    if the rental is free why does WGT keep trying to charge me?
  • AndreasHelke
    676 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 10:27 AM

    This is the second free rental weekend where I can´t test the level 94 Nike Method putter because I am still at level 93. I am less than a month away from level 94. So it would make a lot of sense if WGT allowed me to rent his putter already for testing. 

    I will probably need 2 or 3 free rental weekends to figure out if replacing my level 51 Nike with the level 94 one makes sense for me. So WGT will need to wait a long time for my money for that potential purchase.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 11:04 AM

    if the rental is free why does WGT keep trying to charge me?

    Can you please contact with a screen shot of what you are seeing.      - WGTdbloshoe

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 1:03 PM

    Or how about letting us rent anything but only in practice mode.

    Voice of common sense...

    Anyway, rented the L97 Nikes, they stick like glue and not much to change with lower spin max as I use......


    tho, happy with my friends and standard...

    Could be convinced to try to be in the  top 10% and eminently possible..

    But, don't see a reason anymore ??



  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Aug 23 2014 1:48 PM

    Or how about letting us rent anything but only in practice mode.


    In fact I suggested a long time ago, that all rentals should only be allowed to be used in practice mode.

    Every free weekend you see the low level player who plays every 6 months rock up and clean out the lower tiers weeklys and monthlys.