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V E M !

Sat, May 27 2017 4:10 PM (485 replies)
  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:02 PM

    39 pages lol .....why?

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:05 PM


    The VEM model works across the entire game, it's running all the time, it runs equally on whichever assets it's assigned to 'deal with' in the game. The way it was developed allows it to assign profiles to assets, run harder against balls vs clubs. Can it run against ball makes? That I think would be a nightmare. 

    Can it be targeted to affect just your clubs or balls? I doubt that. I wondered about it creating 'player profiles', which would make sense to me; that it could do that, but I would think the logistics of implementing it on a day to day basis would be huge. Assigning each player their own profile.

    It does not however, affect each player the same, it couldn't and certainly shouldn't. That's not what it was designed for, if you read the tech data sheets on it. It reacts and adjusts your game environment based on how you play, things you do. If you've been shooting at a 64 average for 4 months and then all of a sudden start firing off rounds of 28/29 consistently you'd better believe, and be ready for a change once it adjusts - And it will. 

    Do the top players play within the same 'profile' as you? I would think not, I think that's pretty evident. Do they possess 'super golf playing skills?' No, not likely. This game does have it's level of accuracy, it is not however a golf simulator, it's a video game and like all video games once you figure it out you'll play at a higher level. God, if you play other video games on-line in competitive clan systems you'll know all this. Players get better, learn how to do things within a game and then kick your ass. 

    Not sure if anyone here plays Urban Terror, but you see it all time, players becoming better, more skilled and there are players who are just plain crazy at it. 

    This is all discounting cheats of course - they exist and there are players using them, that's pretty evident as well. Just not addressing that here, really I don't care. 

    I do think that there are issues with the deviation models they run and how that affects VEM, I think, and it seems perfectly logical that at times they'll fight against each other. Increasing the level of forgiveness on a certain set of clubs is going to affect how VEM works with that set. It's software and as anyone who's ever programmed anything knows, sometimes you input too high a value to adjust sensitivity a bit on a touch screen and it goes way over the top. I'm sure that happens with these systems here. 

    Something is off with the game, well it sure seems that way, as far as deviation on shots. I've been playing pretty steady over the past month, shooting much lower than I had before, putting in much lower scores to work average down. For no apparent reason over the weekend my drives started flying into rough and water if I was even the slightest amount off the ding. Is it the club? Is it VEM adjusting to 'my new level' of playing? Did they drop the forgiveness of the 85 Nike driver? I don't know. I do know it's happening and I'll see if it evens out. Certainly hope it does. 

    It happened last time I started lower my average as well, when it got close to 60, perhaps that's a threshold which is set now. 

    I will say one thing, and it's pretty logical as well. The 'older' TL's, players who are L110+ who've been around for 4 years or more don't really have a sense of what it's like to come in and advance now. This game isn't the same as it was back then, and there certainly wasn't the adjusting and interfered with player environments that are run now. That is very evident if you talk with players of that level and again, it makes sense. WGT have evolved and changed the way the game plays. It's not a complaint or whining about anything, it's just a simple fact - those players attained Tour Legend status under much different playing conditions and if, as someone theorized - There are skill based levels that can become 'maxed out' then it would stand to reason these players are certainly not playing with the same interference as a new TL is today who's skill levels aren't as high. I mean I think that's a good thing, as long as it's allowed to progress fairly. 

    In saying that, it's up to each player to become good enough to hit those 'max' levels and get on the same playing field as the top 2%. If you can... :)



    Whatever......  I can shoot 28's again and that makes me happy, don't care how or why. :-)

    ON TOPIC anyone,,,,?

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:18 PM


    39 pages lol .....why?

    As long as the 3 trolls and now yankme keep their mouths shut just maybe the topic would get a bit more positive feedback. I have tried on numerous occasions - 4X to be exact to keep the topic on the rails and every time I have tried to bring it back on the rails one of the trolls come in and knock it off the rails. Oh, and this imbecile yankme. I think he's on medical leave again. 

    VEM is the topic and input is welcome. 

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:33 PM

    VEM is the topic and input is welcome. 

    Unless you have video proof of vem not replays saying i used this club spin and hit the ding yadda yadda yadda then no real leg to stand on 

    And with club precision( meaning circles involved) and not being a hit the ding and it go exactly where you hit who really knows if it's vem or not.......nobody

    Not to mention avg club distances as well not exact ones

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:36 PM

    ON TOPIC anyone,,,,?

    No, you've turned this into a troll-fest now. Your stupid topic fell flat on its face and 39 pages later it's still flat on its face. Watching your ignorance shine is far more interesting as you sure as hell have no clue what you're talking about. 

    You've managed to derail your own thread!  LMFAO.

    Troll on ya little bi-polar nutcase, ya dragged me into the ignorant muck.  :-P


    Your move...............

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:46 PM


    As long as the 3 trolls and now yankme keep their mouths shut just maybe the topic would get a bit more positive feedback. I have tried on numerous occasions - 4X to be exact to keep the topic on the rails and every time I have tried to bring it back on the rails one of the trolls come in and knock it off the rails. Oh, and this imbecile yankme. I think he's on medical leave again. 

    VEM is the topic and input is welcome.

    I often agree with what I read from you, but you kind of went OTE with some of your comments about other people lately.

    As for VEM, I fully agree with Dedbunny's post you quoted at the top of this page. Basically, when you show an increase of skill, VEM shrinks the sweet spot on your clubs, making them less forgiving. Same applies the other way, when you no longer show an increase of your skill level or even start showing a decrease, the sweet spot enlarges again. Although if all this is actually true, I'm not sure what beef you have with VEM, it should be helping you by now ;-)


  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 1:58 PM


    ON TOPIC anyone,,,,?

    No, you've turned this into a troll-fest now. Your stupid topic fell flat on its face and 39 pages later it's still flat on its face. Watching your ignorance shine is far more interesting as you sure as hell have no clue what you're talking about. 

    You've managed to derail your own thread!  LMFAO.

    Troll on ya little bi-polar nutcase, ya dragged me into the ignorant muck.  :-P


    Your move...............

    LOL,,,,,U just keep digging deeper and deeper yankme,,lol,,toooo funny. You are by far the biggest hypocrite I will have ever known,,lol. Every thing you say against me and what I am and what I do, etc,,etc,,you turn right around and write a post about what you say I DO,,,LOL. What a dumb ass. You are seriously lost man,,lol.

    btw - you took us off topic AGAIN ,,,troll.

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 2:01 PM

    As for VEM, I fully agree with Dedbunny's post you quoted at the top of this page. Basically, when you show an increase of skill, VEM shrinks the sweet spot on your clubs, making them less forgiving. Same applies the other way, when you no longer show an increase of your skill level or even start showing a decrease, the sweet spot enlarges again. Although if all this is actually true, I'm not sure what beef you have with VEM, it should be helping you by now ;-)

    Right on brother,,,tx for staying on topic and YES, some of the feedback in this topic has been very informative. 

  • PBaldwin
    108 Posts
    Sat, Sep 27 2014 2:19 PM



    As long as the 3 trolls and now yankme keep their mouths shut just maybe the topic would get a bit more positive feedback. I have tried on numerous occasions - 4X to be exact to keep the topic on the rails and every time I have tried to bring it back on the rails one of the trolls come in and knock it off the rails. Oh, and this imbecile yankme. I think he's on medical leave again. 

    VEM is the topic and input is welcome.

    I often agree with what I read from you, but you kind of went OTE with some of your comments about other people lately.

    As for VEM, I fully agree with Dedbunny's post you quoted at the top of this page. Basically, when you show an increase of skill, VEM shrinks the sweet spot on your clubs, making them less forgiving. Same applies the other way, when you no longer show an increase of your skill level or even start showing a decrease, the sweet spot enlarges again. Although if all this is actually true, I'm not sure what beef you have with VEM, it should be helping you by now ;-)



    I'm not sure I've even seen a "shrinking of the sweet spot" in my road to getting better.  Through the last 4 months or so I've been playing with no breaks and 100% commitment I've improved from shooting 29-33s mostly with some better rounds thrown in sometimes to now shooting 26-30 pretty consistently.  I don't feel like the miss dings or WTF shots are any worse than they were.  Some rounds are tough, yes, but some of those rounds are rounds where I'm not dinging enough or just get the worst end of my club yardages.  My worst rounds lately are 32s or 33s and that's playing Merion back 9 or BPB back 9 high wind in brackets.  Those rounds feel absolutely horrific, but yet I'm still pretty close, just mostly missing putts from bad positioning or missing the ding.  Or digging out from double bogey on Merion #10 going for the eagle putt and whacking a tree.

    A lot of these scores are in the middle of stuff I'm tweaking on the fly, not even in practice.  I can only imagine what it will be like once I get another 4 months of play in.

    Anyways, it's really not as bad as some people make it out to be.  Looking at their rounds of 32-35 mostly they wouldn't know when VEM even happened.  I have no idea what happens on some bad shots but I've been tinkering around with some stuff and taking notes so I can maybe figure out what the deal is.  Kiawah #12 for example is an absolute pain in my ass lately to get inside 5 yards  Today I played it pretty well after figuring some stuff out.