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XP points and bonus

Thu, Sep 11 2014 2:14 PM (13 replies)
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  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 6:27 AM
    No, the first table isn't right anyway.
  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 12:19 PM


    No, the first table isn't right anyway.

    Courteney is quit correct - there is no discernible "order" in the way WGT presents the order of CCs in different levels.

    Right now this is where the Level 8 CCs stand give or take a few hundred as capturing it instantaneously is impossible..


        Current Total
    1 The Peoples Club        4,128,740
    2 Senior Citizens        2,967,410
    3 Old Duffers Retreat        2,939,228
    4 Eagle Club GA        2,647,110
    5 Sherbrooke        2,570,772
    6 IBIS GC        2,548,128


  • bobby58lucas
    164 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 12:42 PM

    My original concern was the fairness of xp points .. here is a rough example taken on the weekly basis of xp points at this present time..

    1.peoples club  total  = 1469 per member

    2. senior citizens total = 1409 per member

    3. old duffers total = 1216 per member

    4. sherbrooke total = 1175 per member

    5, ibis total = 1326 per member

    then we drop down a bit

    in 12th place uk golfers elite total = 1639 per member

    23 rd southern england total = 1565 per member

    28th wooden tees total = 1463 per member 

    then my club freedom fields currently lying in 40th place but with an average per member of 1736 

    This is the point i am trying to make about the fairness or unfairness as it seems of the XP points and leaderboards

  • spy88
    205 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 2:14 PM

    then my club freedom fields currently lying in 40th place but with an average per member of 1736 

    This is the point i am trying to make about the fairness or unfairness as it seems of the XP points and leaderboards.

    THIS!   +1000


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