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Fri, Nov 7 2014 3:27 AM (27 replies)
  • Somango13
    2 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 5:45 AM

    Not yet received the CC pass. I have two days in CC and I had not yet. What I can do? Please can someone help? Thank you.

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 10:55 AM


    Not yet received the CC pass. I have two days in CC and I had not yet. What I can do? Please can someone help? Thank you.

    I have gone ahead and put a pass into your account.  This should reset the clock.  Once you use the pass the 12 hour countdown will begin.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 11:12 AM

    Once you use the pass the 12 hour countdown will begin.
    What will WGT do concerning the delay caused by payed-for passes? Will it be possible to get a free one earlier than 12 hours after using the payed-for pass?

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 1:26 PM


    Once you use the pass the 12 hour countdown will begin.
    What will WGT do concerning the delay caused by payed-for passes? Will it be possible to get a free one earlier than 12 hours after using the payed-for pass?

    I am not sure.  There has been discussions but as far as I know nothing in the pipeline as of yet.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 1:56 PM

    So you fail to stick to your own announcement and description which seemed an error until now, and turn it into deliberate ignorance of your own rules to our detriment - what's the word for that? Chea...? Sca...?

    But, what should we expect when a moderator breaks their own Guidelines by posting political opinion (=> referendum)?

  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 2:02 PM


    So you fail to stick to your own announcement and description which seemed an error until now, and turn it into deliberate ignorance of your own rules to our detriment - what's the word for that? Chea...? Sca...?

    But, what should we expect when a moderator breaks their own Guidelines by posting political opinion (=> referendum)?

    You have every ability to not purchase a pass and use your two free ones a day.  I am sorry you feel so slighted by the CC passes.  I hope you still use and enjoy the two free ones we give you a day.

    Oh and the "political" discussion you are referring to, is about whether the name of the British open will change.  So my comment is intended to show that the name change question is mute because they won't be separating.  So yeah, something I can comment on.


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 2:13 PM

    alosso and WGTdbloshoe:

    I just did a review of The Peoples Club membership. Out of 250 members; there are only 31 members I can positively say have bought a pass or have used more than 1 a day on average. It is as well totally possible that up to 67 members have either (1) played 2 passes on some days or (2) bought a pass at least once. 183 members have absolutely never bought a pass.

    From what I can garner The Peoples Club members buy about 30 CC Passes a day out of our 250 members.   

    With those numbers in mind I did a calculation to determine if it makes economic sense for WGT to give two passes to each CC member at the start of the new day (midnight GMT).

    These calculations assume:

    1) The average player of a CC Pass plays a 9 hole round;

    2) The average player of a CC Pass purchases a ball that costs 400 credits a sleeve;

    3) The average player in The Peoples Club is similar to the average player in other CCs.

    With those thoughts in mind; the average player spends about 27 credits on ball wear when playing a free pass.

    So if WGT gave out 2 free passes at midnight GMT the quick analysis would be that WGT is losing 10 credits (27 cr in ball uses versus buying a pass at 37 cr).

    The quick analysis however is wrong.

    This is true even in a very active Country Club like The Peoples Club.

    The reason is simple:

    1) Free passes are not negative income to WGT as it costs WGT nothing;

    2) Real income to WGT comes from ball usage (27 cr) and CC members buying passes (37 cr).

    In The Peoples Club has 250 members and the total membership buy about 30 passes a day. Another way of looking at it 12% buy a CC pass and 88% do not buy one.   

    The question for WGT profit line then becomes a simple one:

    Would the group that never buys a second pass play more and offset the one lost purchase of a pass by those who are now buying their second one on a daily basis?

    WGT would lose about 300 credits a day giving 2 passes at midnight GMT to members of The Peoples Club, BUT, stand to gain some percentage of 5,940 credits on ball usage.

    The math is pretty clear – it takes just 12 of the 220 members of The Peoples Club playing just one of their free ones daily as of now to play one more round using their second free pass for WGT to make more than lost in sales of CC passes.     

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 2:16 PM

    Edward: Those buying passes block their access to free passes - that's my point.

    I am sorry you feel so slighted by the CC passes. 
    As far as I understand the wording, this is not the case. I'm slighted by missing honesty.

    BTW, it's 20 months now that you owe me a "mail reply today".

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Thu, Sep 18 2014 4:06 PM


    Edward: Those buying passes block their access to free passes - that's my point.

    Exactly what I was saying:

    1) A person that is saving for clubs and/or balls would never buy a CC Pass; 

    2) No person unless maybe they are in  St John's Newfoundland can possible even try to use the 2 a day on anything other than a ungodly life schedule change.

    So if a CC member wants to play 2 they have to buy one. In my CC 88%+ do not buy them.

    The simple point of my post was that WGT would most definitely make more money if they gave 2 CC Passes a day and did away with the timer delay of using them. 

    We did hear after all "it was on their list" - I simply thought with some analysis it might move up higher on the list if it panned out in a CC like the one I belong to.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Fri, Sep 19 2014 9:45 AM

    2) Real income to WGT comes from ball usage (27 cr) and CC members buying passes (37 cr).

    At first I thought that too.  But after thinking about it from a business point of view, they get income from me directly only when I buy credits using a credit or gift card.  If I won those credits in a free weekly tournament that's not real income for WGT.

    I think of the CC pass as merely an incentive for players to login to the site.  Its another reason to play.   Very much like the Consecutive Days Played bonus.  Getting people to the site is important to WGT as it is a large part of how Ad Rates are determined.  The more unique visitors to a site each month the higher the ad rates.  I'm not a Web Marketing expert so this is  a very simple view.  There are many other factors like ad placement and size, and how well your audience matches the advertisers target audience.

    How can the FOX TV network charge $4 million for a 30 second Super Bowl ad?  Because there were 110 million viewers!  Same thing here.   The more people who visit the site, the more WGT can charge to have ads displayed.

    So WGT gets revenue indirectly from us just because we visit the site. 

    I do agree with EasyEd's conclusion, no one saving credits to buy balls or clubs is likely to buy a CC pass they'll use a free one.  Its genius really.  You want to be a good CC member, you're getting pressure maybe from the owner and other members to contribute to the CC XP totals, so you make sure you keep your CDP bonus at 880 xps and use a CC pass.  Now everyone is helping WGT keep their numbers up.