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New Average Scores

Sun, Sep 2 2018 5:54 PM (136 replies)
  • cobaltm
    3,961 Posts
    Sun, Oct 24 2010 4:28 AM

    there is no way that advancing levels based ONLY on our best scores is even close to being fair to anyone. i can just as easily shoot a 36 on kiawah as shoot a 31 and i will never shoot a 31 on bethpage and i'm darn lucky to keep it close to 36. Your new system will NOT, NOT, NOT WORK


  • VilaRestal
    95 Posts
    Sun, Oct 24 2010 11:31 AM

    Congratulations WGT!

    Another ill-conceived idea rushed into existence? Your capacity for doing this is very impressive.

    Just when the ridiculous injustice of the level system was fixed by making it so fast to rise in levels they become irrelevant...

    Am I right in concluding the system is the best X rounds since a player last got promoted?

    That will, as other people have pointed out, mean everyone will eventually get promoted to a tier at which they can't play.

    Has the Peter Principle arrived? I wonder if the management at WGT are familiar with it. Prime examples of it I perhaps? Or is it the Dilbert Principle at work in WGT's offices? (Is this the brain-child of someone who was made manager to limit the damage they can cause?)

    If, on the other hand, it's the best X% of rounds since a player last got promoted then that would be ok if X isn't too low. The best 50% would be good - a real improvement! I would applaud this change if that was the case.

    Oh, what is the chance you've done the right thing here?

    I really don't like being cynical but I would kick myself for being so stupid as to assume you've made this best X% rather than best X.

    Please tell us it's %.

    It's a forlorn hope but I'm clinging to it.

    PS: If you do want to fix sand-bagging you have to have separate scores/tiers for different types of competition (hi-stakes/lo-stakes credit tournaments/MPs and the rest).

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 12:05 PM

    I have been asking WGT since Sept. 1, why I was moved from a Pro with a 70 average to a Tour Pro, and then to Master, on the same morning without even playing a round. After ignoring several emails to WGT, they finally this morning replied to my latest email by directing me to this site rather than answering my question.

    So I still get no answer. 

  • KingOfTheCourse
    419 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 1:36 PM


    I have been asking WGT since Sept. 1, why I was moved from a Pro with a 70 average to a Tour Pro, and then to Master, on the same morning without even playing a round. After ignoring several emails to WGT, they finally this morning replied to my latest email by directing me to this site rather than answering my question.

    So I still get no answer. 

    Here WGTsky adress your issue in the second to last bullet.


  • CharlemagneRH
    1,054 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 3:16 PM

    Like I said, as best I can tell, the "new" average algorithm does not in any way affect honest players who are not sandbagging.  If the average algorithm seriously went off your lowest scores, some of us would have averages of 52-56, but that is not the case.  For honest players, averages look pretty much the same as they've always been.

    All it does is combat sandbagging.  All of you TM's that are on the brink of having a full-blown hissyfit about having to become legends (I would note that at least one of those such people in this thread staunchly defended the penalties that were foisted upon legends -- apparently he isn't so thrilled about the idea of being promoted to legend and experiencing those penalties himself), don't worry, you're not going to become legends.

  • Kaslo
    428 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 5:55 PM

    It's very obvious that if WGT does not use MPC wins as part of the equation they might as well do nothing at all.


  • 6packmike
    235 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 7:35 PM

    This sounds like something that would have helped matters if it was implicated before the whole tier change update. Instead of wildly tumbling up tiers players could have had higher averages from just one tier upgrade. 

    Mostly it means more legends more legend balls sold and hopefully with the added revenue a new course. Criminitly losing two of those suckers inside of a minute makes me wanna grab the cord around a foot and a half behind the mouse and swing it like a numchuka into something really hard.

    Wgt isn't making anything near on club sales as they are on balls so the clubs being locked probably helps a little in this way too as when someone can't get the distance they need through clubs they can max out on the big flying and spinning expensive balls.

    But Wgt has the hottest graphics out there and they deserve the revenue. Still very cheap, (free with completion of offers) entertainment and emulates many of the emotions you feel while playing the game for real.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Mon, Oct 25 2010 10:26 PM
    when somthing better arrives on the internet tell me i'll go there too, and play, until then this site is FREE, works as good as reality in most cases and contains as many unhappy golfers as anywhere else i have been. it is not that 2 cents.....
  • VilaRestal
    95 Posts
    Wed, Oct 27 2010 3:49 PM

    It seems to me  the "new" average algorithm has not yet been implemented. People who haven't played a ranked stroke play game since before this was announced - their scores haven't changed. For those who do, scores go up and down with good and bad rounds same as always.

    Yes lee it is free until you get promoted then it becomes difficult to avoid spending some money on it and yes it is not that bad - great graphics and a well designed site - but someone at wgt seems hell-bent on messing with it to no positive effect and yet have no sign of any movement on the things that matter: opening up the other courses for stroke play, practice putting greens and driving ranges, multiple saved games, fixing bugs, multiple tiers for each user for different competition types (the only way to fix sandbagging), more options on country club tournaments, better handling of disconnects in multiplayer games, etc, etc.

    All we get are these pointless changes to tiers and levels that just annoy people (and incidentally make it less fun for those who don't pay to encourage them to cough up). No fewer quitters from the levels system and no fewer sandbaggers from this.

    I find myself agreeing with Charlemagne more and more recently. It's unsettling: only WGT's crazy schemes could do that. But I do disagree that it won't affect non-sandbaggers. Until it has been implemented, and it obviously hasn't yet, it's anybody's guess as to how many will be bumped up to tiers they don't belong in. And, in the long run, everyone will, except legends and those who don't play ranked stroke play.

  • mohuyu
    891 Posts
    Wed, Oct 27 2010 3:58 PM

    I think it has changed. Ive had a few horrible rounds since the update such as one 9 hole round of 39 and one 18 hole round of 79. With the old algorithm if I had like three bad rounds in a row my avg would rocket into the 70s but it has only moved from 68 to 68.75. lol - they must think im sandbagging.

    (edit: Actually I am sure they have already made the changes - wgt never gives you a heads up before they tinker. Remember the tiers change, they posted it and two days later I was a tour pro.)