FireGuy1944:I have a brand new keyboard and as you can see by reading this my spacebar works fine, but in game chat it will not work, I have to use dashes. It used to work at first but then stopped for some reason. What can I do to fix that?
I had that, I'm on chrome and it was the pepperflash. I think I found out how to fix it from one of the many excellent tips/explanations from Scotthope, but I can't find it.
Roughly, go into chrome and type chrome:plugins into your search box. Click on it and check your shockwave flash, I had two and needed to disable the pepperflash for this game to run smoothly. I need to switch back for other sites though as they seem to want the pepperflash.
I'd wait a wee while though maybe Scott will see this thread and put up a link to his much better explanation.