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Statement from ANCC owner

rated by 0 users
Thu, Nov 6 2014 12:57 PM (163 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 2:23 AM

    i feel for JJ - sandwiched between one player.

    So do you reckon the putter is worth about 2 strokes?

  • pb1711
    1,183 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 2:24 AM

    i feel for JJ - sandwiched between one player.

    Exactly Tom, the "2" biggest, cheating, knob jockeys in the game, but WGT just don't give a shi*t. They never have about cheats and multis. Then you get honest players like JJ getting screwed over in RGs and other tournies.

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 2:33 AM

    Some here say: "everybody would do", or "others did too", or things like that.

    I say: BULLSH!T !!!

    Everyone who uses cheats is a cheater. Everyone who is looking for bugs to use them to win a generaly for all of us offered price like it was done here is a cheater. Everyone who has used that loophole too after he has heard of it also is a cheater.

    Every cheater is a dishonorable person without a spark of decency. And if money comes into play, also if its a little like a few credits here, cheating is a criminal act.

    And that`s the bottom line!

  • FarFoo
    2,919 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 3:03 AM



    So do you reckon the putter is worth about 2 strokes?

    pre 'magic' putter
    10.08.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     57
    10.09.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     55
    10.11.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     56
    10.12.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     55

    post 'magic' putter

    10.14.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     51
    10.16.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     52

  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 3:09 AM


    i feel for JJ - sandwiched between one player.

    Exactly Tom, the "2" biggest, cheating, knob jockeys in the game, but WGT just don't give a shi*t. They never have about cheats and multis. Then you get honest players like JJ getting screwed over in RGs and other tournies.




  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 3:31 AM


    ...Everyone who uses cheats is a cheater... And that`s the bottom line!

    Er, no, it's not.

    As I pointed out in an earlier post, tens of thousands of players got inadvertently caught up in this fiasco, and played normal games that then had points applied to the clash. They DID NOT CHEAT, but they still "earned" clash points, just like some of the obvious cheats did.

    Yes, the blatant cheats that have been well documented here are guilty, but are they any more guilty than someone who knowingly played one or two rounds to get extra clash points? And how would anyone, in this apparently black and white world, where "Everyone who uses cheats is a cheater" know the difference between a genuine cheat, and someone who inadvertently got awarded points just from playing normally?

    They can't; it's as simple as that.

    I earned 55 points by this "cheat", but I didn't do it deliberately, it just happened after I played a Bracket - does that make ME a cheat? You don't know. Had I done it deliberately to earn extras, then yes, you could accuse me of that, but you have no way of knowing what was in my mind at the time.

    Everyone who uses cheats DELIBERATELY is a cheater; that I can accept, but the bottom line is that you can not tell the difference between deliberate and accidental use in the vast majority of cases.

    It really is time to stop this witch hunt - WGT created this mess, and THEIR actions have had unfortunate consequences for all of us. If we must point accusing fingers, then point them at the ROOT of this problem, ie WGT

    Let's try to move on.



  • SoKoSteve
    128 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 3:35 AM

    WGT is gonna make so much money next Clash when BoP is the only event.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 4:51 AM


    @ Andy The rules were clear as day to all who read the clash intro. It clearly stated how you start a clash, how you get the points

    Sorry but, I beg to differ,

    ..............see all the pages of posts @ the beginning to see how clear it was..

    Read them 5 times and was still confused..

    Mensa should revoke my membership ?

    Half the CCs owners didn't and don't still.....know who the hell started the clash in their CC to begin with, nevermind the rules there within.

    I repeat ......MUD not Day  !


    I'll let it go, cause I understand your reasons and don't blame you one bit. I too always defend my significant other when she screws up ;-)


  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 5:06 AM

    day 6 and still nothing from wgt and no comments from any wgt moderator wtg wgt ignore this and other threads related to it

  • overtheedge
    5,881 Posts
    Thu, Oct 16 2014 5:20 AM

    10.09.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go  Full 18  All Players  55

    10.12.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     55

    Pre Magic-stick / 2 r's - 110

    10.14.14  Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players  51
    10.16.14     Cabo del Sol Full 18 Ready Go     Full 18     All Players     52

    Post Magic-stick / 2 r's - 103

    I would say 7 strokes is a measurable difference. Especially when it comes to losing or winning money, whichever end you're on and by the looks of it, anyone playing in an RG against the magic stick you are definitely on the receiving end fooooor sure.