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Top WGT Leader Boards

Mon, Oct 20 2014 7:47 AM (12 replies)
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  • Sinkman11
    18 Posts
    Fri, Oct 17 2014 10:29 PM

    It would really cool if there was an Overall Leader Board of every WGT players' stats like Longest Drive, Putt and Lowest Scores along with Most Hole in Ones and such.

    Also list averages (lowest average score, longest average drive, etc.)


  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 12:40 PM

    A lot of us Owners created Websites for the Club, and there are a lot of free builders out there. Create one and list your club stats. I`m interested in the ones in my club first, I already know there are Great Players out there that are Awesome.

    WGT wise, I think there are a lot of important issues to fix first. LOL, besides, I`m not sure I want to see I`m 3,000,000 th in putting. I would probably give the game up.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 12:52 PM

    Would be good, but WGT would have to update the stats they store first. Most of the stats now improve the more you play, so any leaderboard would just be a list of who has played the most at the top level. I'm not playing as well as I was 3 or 4 months ago, but all my stats are better because the rounds I'm playing at a competent level are increasingly dwarfing the rounds I played while I was learning the game.

    If they ever introduce rolling stats, say for the previous week or month, then they would become relevant.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 3:04 PM

    Would be good, but WGT would have to update the stats they store first. Most of the stats now improve the more you play, so any leaderboard would just be a list of who has played the most at the top level. I'm not playing as well as I was 3 or 4 months ago, but all my stats are better because the rounds I'm playing at a competent level are increasingly dwarfing the rounds I played while I was learning the game.

    Your still doing great, Mags

    I would still put you as one of the Top Players in this Game. Theres been changes to it and We have to adapt. It takes time.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 9:43 PM
    Perhaps WGT could list milestones rather than the ridiculous Spotlight section. Something like Joebrown made 100 eagles. Janedoe won 500 match-play games...
  • Sinkman11
    18 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 10:55 PM

    Great idea...and to make it so that they don't have to update it all the time maybe put it as of 1st of (Month). I personally like the idea of seeing where you are on a leaderboard so you can watch your improvement.


    And I understand they have much more important things to worry about but this game is a money maker, there's no doubt in my mind they have a department for complaints/glitches and one for things like this.


    Also just came across a problem needing fixing. A flop shot is designed to go 95% in the air and sit immediately. The flop shots here roll as if they are punch or chip shots.

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 11:00 PM

    It would be really cool if in these leaderboards there where no more cheaters multi-accounters, sandbaggers and all the fuzzy, bizarre and unslightly situations that sometimes happen here and determining those leaderboards, pardon me if I can't believe on perpetual scores under twelve to the par on highly prizes tours.

    That also if I could be a top leaderboarder too, except for the fact that I have a win percentage of 10 percent on games played. A good theory is the "not ALL the donkeys can fly".

    It would be really, really cool, anyway.

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 10:14 AM

    [quote user="Sinkman11"]Also just came across a problem needing fixing. A flop shot is designed to go 95% in the air and sit immediately. The flop shots here roll as if they are punch or chip shots[/quote]

    It can have a lot to do with your Wedges, but I put Full Spin on my Flops(adjusting for spin) and usually come up within 2 foot. Practice is important in this game.

  • PeteBog1
    134 Posts
    Sun, Oct 19 2014 10:32 AM


    It can have a lot to do with your Wedges, but I put Full Spin on my Flops(adjusting for spin) and usually come up within 2 foot. Practice is important in this game.

    Yup, exactly my strategy with a similar outcome.  Always full backspin, hit the line to the left of the dinger for it to go dead straight, and add a few if flopping from rough.

    That said, I never use flop from > 16 yards

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Mon, Oct 20 2014 4:35 AM

    Yeah I agree, 15-16 yds tops, then Pitch. It`s really about playing the right shot for the situation. I usually add 10% of the yardage close to the green and a lot of times it`s a feel for the shot

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