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latest update ridiculous

Fri, Oct 29 2010 5:49 PM (120 replies)
  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:13 AM

    What the .... is going on WGT. Can't see any advantages 4 us, the players (your customers). Only 1 who's benefiting could be WGT with the ridiculous new products offered.

    A starterset over 5000 credits, 2000 more than the best Legendset available!!!

    An overpriced new putter with hardly better specs.

    The R9 TP 8.5° Driver, was already there, but now it seems possible 2 offer it again 4 a higher price and slightly improved distance. Please tell us how it's possible. 2 clubs which are the same, but offered 4 a different price.....(remember that specs always stays the same 4 each club, but apparantly not anymore)

    And finally those XPsportsdrinks......can't wait 2 have 1 of those ;)

    Should be about time not only 2 introduce new stuff suiting your businessmodel, but pay more attention 2 the wishes of your customers. In the forums there have been many great suggestions 4 improvement (eg Bollox, Jakestanfill7 and many more). So please give us something that we really want and which will attract us 2 the game....



  • alexbrisbane
    4 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:35 AM

    The new blitz recovery hole is a very bad idea. Why give a prize to people that score a 0 on the previous hole? Now they are throwing the ball away in the difficult hole to score double on the easy one. Absolutely nonsense.

  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:48 AM

    Not the entire update is useless (see here) but I agree with you that the prices have gone through the roof. $17 for a putter ????? A year ago, you could buy the best club set for $17, and now you're supposed to buy a putter for $17?

    I have owned every WGT putter so far, but these insane prices make me stop buying further equipment. (I was also disappointed by the previous best putter, Master TM putter, and reverted to Daytona anyway.)

  • Clanccon
    4 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:51 AM

    Here, here. Why can't you just improve wgt by allowing us to play Oakmount in our country clubs, or introducing new courses quicker? These new "improvement"s are simply ridiculous.

  • GoldCard
    298 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 4:09 AM

    Love this new update!

    Just shows what a money grabbing site this is.

    End of the pay tournaments for me for now, i'll leave those for the suckers that haven't woken up yet!

    Back to starter balls,leaving my money in my own bank account and golfing for fun again.

    And I'll supply my own free drinks thank you!

    Geez what a rip off!!!

  • JOEBOND007
    9 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:17 AM

    WGT'S tier update was a great idea, but horrible in application.  You have masters with legend clubs making the game so lopsided... its not even remotely fair.  My balls seem to vanish in half the time as well.. although the extra 1200 credits was nice, I had to spend em on a driver(3 xtra yds) that doesn't even keep up with masters using the same clubs from 50 yds in tee advantage.    THE ONLY FIX IS TO TAKE AWAY LEGEND CLUBS FROM MASTERS, MASTER CLUBS FROM PROS ...ECT

    What is the point of locking these clubs.. when most players have thee most advanced clubs already???????


    I would love to see more courses opened up, fairness in play(TIER/CLUBS) and a smoother meter.  and the ball life should go back to where it was.   CMON WGT STAFF,,, DO ANY OF YOU ACTUALLY PLAY THIS GAME?????

  • DiscGolfAddict
    171 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:39 AM

    OMFG !!!  What a joke!  I thought that the whole point of owning and operating a site like this was to GAIN customers and build a loyal clientel. WGT seems to be doing everything it can to drive customers away.  At first I was a little upset with the whole new "level" system, but I decided to stick it out and grind away at the levels so I can finally unlock new clubs to get me the distance I need when playing from the master tees. ( I am sure many of you know of which I speak)

    But now you have these rediculous "sports drinks" ....pardon my french ...are you fúcking kidding me???  Who is the delusional moron that thought this up? Does this person even play this game?

    How about.....reducing the number of "Load Manager Errors"....Improving the more courses for stroke play....etc.

    For that can you even think your  level system is even fair....Look at it from this angle...You get a point for every swing of a club ...correct? 

    So...I play a friend  and I shoot 2 down and my friend shoots 10 over...My "friend" sucks ass but gets rewarded by recieving more experience points than I do?

    This site has the potential to be a great place, I think someone needs to wake up and see what the heck is really going on here....Improve the stuff that needs improving...actually LISTEN to what the people are saying...unfortunately...More are saying they want to quit rather than they want to stay....

    Something is wrong with that picture.

  • DiscGolfAddict
    171 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:48 AM

    Just curious about something else.....I have been playing alot of blitz....and have lost more than a few balls...and heres my question....

    How can WGT give me a measurement to the thousandth of an inch to a "LOST" ball?


  • Faterson
    2,902 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:48 AM

    So...I play a friend  and I shoot 2 down and my friend shoots 10 over...My "friend" sucks ass but gets rewarded by recieving more experience points than I do?

    Erm... sorry, but that's the same thing as in real life. You definitely gain more experience from playing 14 shots than from playing only 2!  

  • seveking
    983 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:49 AM

    Doesn´t the 2010 redwood zb putter have exactly the same precision, forgiveness, balance and meter speed as the new ghost putter?