While you're looking down your nose at the players who tried the Clash, make sure you notate your own Country Club mates who are doing pretty well in the Clashes. I'm sure they wouldn't mind having that mark next to their names that you speak of.
Just saying.... ;)
Ya I saw that... I was told WT was sitting it out, I haven't played that's for sure. I guess that like some say there are those within a CC that just jump on and do it. I just did my bit and did what I said I'd do. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of WT stayed out of it.
But no you're right, and I'm not biased in anyway, I don't care who you are - If you were around for the last Clash, have knowledge of what a farce it is and you still chose to click the button and consciously buy cc passes and play - stand in line for your 'tag' man cuz you earned it!
If you're a new player, don't know and for whatever reason played with your free pass, then ya, no not going to flog someone for that.
In the end, just sad people can't see it's the players who can affect change and get things fixed. WGT put this place up - but it's our game, we pay the bills.
I suppose your opinion is as valid as any other. With that in mind I can see members not giving a damn what you think about them playing in the Clash or not. ;)
Not sure why they'd care either, it's not about anyone caring about what I think of them, just simply stating how I feel about it all. Sort of like how I don't really care that your reply really is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt at starting something ...
Oh Clash is over... buh bye now.... [waves]