Well, I'm glad to see this thread has picked up a little steam and some folks are benefitting from it. It only took almost a year for it to happen! :)
However, not every one is as glad as I am, apparently. NOT TO NAME NAMES, (that would be rude and unnecessarily mean spirited, and I don't know about you but my mother and father taught me some manners) but some people have tissue thin skin and infer insult aimed at themselves instead of their methods. Perhaps their insecurities are based on the inefficiencies of their systems. If their methods have any validity, then others will follow those methods and sing their praises. If other people's methods have any validity, then people will follow them and sing their praises. It's as simple as that.
All I've done is uncover a trick about the game and shared that knowledge in as simple an explanation as I could think of.
For those of you who have tried my method and found success that had been elusive until you tried my method, I'm glad I could help and wish you further success.
For those of you who feel slighted and belittled, some advice:
Suck it up, Buttercup! It's a tough, mean world out there and the faint hearted get their eggs scrambled quite often.
"Be a Man!"
What are you, 8 years old?! GFY, Douchebag. Go start your own thread and cry your little, all too easily offended, *** heart out there. And take your Limey Buggerboy Troll PaulTon with you.