DaveHeathcote: tiffer67: However there can be few businesses around the world that offer an imperfect product such as this and continue to rake in thousands of dollars every day.
On a lighter note, Microsoft????
I'm making a web site right now, and I'm not even going to try to make it work in IE. Instead, if the user is using IE, I'm just going to toss up a warning that IE can and will find a way to break the page, so if he wants to see it as it is meant to be seen, he has to go download a real browser.
I seriously tried to find a fix for IE's rowspan bug -- for example, I read somewhere that you have to put in a dummy first row of blank td's in order to fix it -- to no avail. Once again, I have given up on trying to trick Internet Exploder into doing what it's supposed to be doing.
As almost every web developer knows, of course, these bugs were put into IE on purpose, which is the major difference between Microsoft and WGT. WGT is a WIP, in the hands of some guys who have some crazy ideas sometimes (although the handicap system might be a sign that WGT is moving in the direction of Micro$oft), and they unintentionally screw up their software, whereas Microsoft does it on purpose to make more money.