Thanks everyone!
Hey Shoe, I asked MisterWGT personally for a virtual set of flaming golf balls only available to AAA members from the Pro Shop..... i think they are still in development or, were washed away by the valentines & champagne balls!
mrcaddie: Shrude, you and I have known each other for a few years now, we go back to the day when we were teaching players how to successfully complete surveys, I think that's how we became friends.
Yes! ahhh the old survey days.... used to be easy to rort do the surveys once.. now not so much.
Thanks MrCaddie for your ongoing support and generosity in WGT also, if it wern't for guys like you the forums would be a very sad place indeed!
Thanks folks, I am proud that Aussie Aussie Aussie has been good enough to join the halls lined with the names other great Country Clubs.
Its not easy at times, but at the end of the day its the friends you end up making that keep you logging in everyday.
If it wern't for the backbone of loyalty and mateship we have in AAA I might have hung up my clubs along time ago.
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!