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Thanksgiving Weekend Event

Mon, Dec 1 2014 6:29 AM (120 replies)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 2:25 AM

    Based on the growth in participation

    Sorry but would want numbers to see how much spin involved there.

    and the visceral responses we have received, both good and bad

    Visceral defined:

    coming from strong emotions and not from logic or reason

    I can't use the word competition because this thing derogates that term beyond any normal reasoning, and so will stick with event.  

    So we have an event that you can get a main prize(any one that cares and some still may for reasons beyond me) by hitting starter balls for 24 50 hours?  OK I am sure WGT would love to sell balls too, but really no point playing mouse clicking wise.

    Therefore is it visceral to say no skill is required, just passes bought / acquired, and paid for balls a zero difference to outcome option?  Based on last months debacle event only anyway.

    Each to their own, but the only thing that amazes me is that any one plays mouse clicks it at all.

    And the, ahem, prize ?

    A dog that does not want to be a golf tee

    Looks no problem to Bridge as nearly 3 hours out glad to report we are still not even entered in it:)

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 4:40 AM


    The Event is up.  Good luck to all who enter!


    - WGTdbloshoe


    Why on earth would anyone need luck in this? All that matters is the mass purchasing of cc passes, and being a complete moron. Neither require anything resembling luck.

    I gotta think that even the truly mindless drones who clamor around and fawn over all that this idiotic place throws out in an effort to simply suck money from players, have to be starting to see the absurdity of these things.

    Never mind the money / credits wasted - don't you have anything f*kin' better to do than sit and fire round after round after round? It's not like the score even matters, it's just mind-numbingly boring clicking. 

    But then again, I think we know who their target audience is in these things - just works out really sad that they're right in knowing how gullible and simple they really are. 

    Prizes are awesome.... n so fitting. Gold putter that is basically the status symbol of stupidity and some sort of mutated dog-like thing. Oh ya, and bragging rights.... 

    Just sad.... 




  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 5:44 AM

    This game has gone stale with the same ole garbage month after month.

    There's nothing in WGT to get excited about. The CC Clashes thing? Come on!

    Chad needs to hire a visionary of what this game can be.

    Where's the new courses everyone was promised a year ago?

    It seems like every good idea gets cancelled because its too difficult to implement, so WGT goes for the easy boring tasks that no one likes.

    This might be off-topic, but it begs to said in every thread or this game is quickly doomed and will only serve as an advertising outlet.

  • stevereilly
    5,915 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 6:02 AM


    There is a saying that all publicity is good publicity.  I'm guessing that by offering such a pitiful prize, WGT expects the customers to be rabid in the forums.

    I'll not say anything else about this.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 6:11 AM


    This game has gone stale with the same ole garbage month after month.

    There's nothing in WGT to get excited about. The CC Clashes thing? Come on!

    Chad needs to hire a visionary of what this game can be.

    Where's the new courses everyone was promised a year ago?

    It seems like every good idea gets cancelled because its too difficult to implement, so WGT goes for the easy boring tasks that no one likes.

    This might be off-topic, but it begs to said in every thread or this game is quickly doomed and will only serve as an advertising outlet.


    Very good post IMO, and about sums it up in a considered way.

    Fundamentally this game remains a fantastic platform, but THIS CHILDISH UTTER DROSS is not the future.  More TL RGs (which no one looks at often) etc, and this is where time is going.  OK I get it a mass market to think about, but still a great shame to think of what could / maybe should be, but it is reduced to a complete joke with this.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 6:11 AM

    Shoulda been......

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 6:26 AM


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 6:37 AM

    Good luck to all who enter!

    if only it was 1 single round per player,
    wishing "luck" would actually be relevant here.

    I should really stop commenting on these clash threads,
    just feeding the beast when doing so.
    seriously it's time we start ignoring these threads.

    1,141 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 7:19 AM

    yea ..jimbo ..

    i was just try'n to be nice...

    i love this game....  i do how ever .. wonder sometimes...

    that..lets see.... how to put this... there seam to be alot of very smart folks at WGT .... only thing i can come up with is there must be some good weed stashed...or mabey a 2nd shift .. that are either higher than i have ever been.. or just don't get give a crap when something they roll out suks .stinks,,, is rigged..or whatever ...

    the GOLD putter to me is a major joke.. well the whole thing is....imo

    now what i know from lets say,," get together competitions" one team or person keeps winning...ya'll watch...

    they will find a way to rig it or fix it that team or cc can't win... by..

    MAKING it an even bigger crap shoot... but will keep going..because..yes as we all here know any input we have means diddly squat... as long as they make a few buks ..D-blo will keep pushing this warped idea ..of a fair competition,,,

    jus felt like blabbin... not playin anyway in CC won't ... ever...

    peace ...


  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Nov 29 2014 7:51 AM


    yea ..jimbo ..

    i was just try'n to be nice...

    i love this game....  i do how ever .. wonder sometimes...

    that..lets see.... how to put this... there seam to be alot of very smart folks at WGT .... only thing i can come up with is there must be some good weed stashed...or mabey a 2nd shift .. that are either higher than i have ever been.. or just don't get give a crap when something they roll out suks .stinks,,, is rigged..or whatever ...

    the GOLD putter to me is a major joke.. well the whole thing is....imo

    now what i know from lets say,," get together competitions" one team or person keeps winning...ya'll watch...

    they will find a way to rig it or fix it that team or cc can't win... by..

    MAKING it an even bigger crap shoot... but ..its keep going..because..yes as we all here know any input we have means diddly squat... as long as they make a few buks ..D-blo will keep pushing this warped idea ..of a fair competition,,,

    jus felt like blabbin... not playin anyway in CC won't ... ever...

    peace ...


    Dog tees  lol you should have turkeys for the ppl who make this up. They do have good herb in SF   i've heard. Does get funnier and funnier...