The greatest thing about WGT is that you make friends here. A lot of the friends you make are folks you know you can count on, you know what they will do in most situations and you have a few that you become very close to and you are with them all the time and look forward to the next time you will be together.
Camarolover51 was one of those friends. I loved him as dearly as I do family members so i was devastated this morning when his daughter called me to tell me that Larry had passed away last night from a massive heart attack. Megan told me that the did an Autopsy on him last night and his heart blockage was so much that was what caused it.
Needless to say, there's a hole in my world at the loss of a very dear friend as I am sure he was to many of you. God Bless you Brother Larry, may you rest in peace my friend.
We would request WGT members fly Larry's avatar for a few days, ty!