Merry Xmas
Tip - watch the video's you can earn some credits that way 4sure I average about 100 CR a day if I grind at it - the surveys for the most part you can spend 20 minutes doing them and get kicked out of the survey and get nothing for it - other surveys kick you out after about 5 minutes you earn 5 credits - if you get lucky and complete a survey it is a rare event but if you try sometimes you succeed - Good Luck - most of the other offers you have to pay something to get them then their are a lot of offers you complete and you don't get a confirmation on it nor email - those you can try contacting support but without proof of confirmation email they won't credit you - I still can't figure out how to copy and paste my email headers to the support page as proof - all in all since October I have earned close to 10K credits to buy equipment but of course it is grinding each day then I should have gotten around 5K more credits that they won't honor -(
there is a lot I could ask for but I think my wish would be
Ping G25 3 Hybrid 21 degree Graphite (L58)
if that doesn't work then a WGT Notebook and some Slow Meter Balls
have a Great Day Santa