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Regarding Cheating

Wed, Jun 17 2015 4:18 PM (96 replies)
  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 8:08 PM

    There's one tiny thing WGT management and the mods here seem to forget, as well as the moronic cheerleaders.

    WGT is a business, online operating out of the US, but selling their products and services world wide. There are laws to protect consumers in all countries, if you think it's only US and State laws which carry any weight - you're sadly mistaken.

    WGT's T&C by the way isn't worth the digital paper it's written on. They voided that thing a long long time ago by acting in and administrating player accounts in direct conflict with it. 



  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 8:29 PM


    no siggi cadaviar and shelby are 2 accounts run by the same person.

    one has been suspended but one has not.

    but u are right - the place is infested with these rats and roaches.

    and no matter how many times they have been reported to the 'authorities' nothing has been done.

    now it is a personal attack on myself and my family, im not going to sit idly by and let it happen, especially as i have been blocked from both accounts walls, coincidence?


    im going public with this as i have already told wgt.

    let wgt lock down the honest players, why not. and let the roaches run free.

    it is what it is right now, management at wgt needs to be looked at, the way so many issues have been avoided/ignored/rehashed/broken.

    merry christmas :)


    Well I hope they ban us all, because saying something about me is ok, but against ones family is not, they can't catch him if he is using multi ip's , but they can make shelby play on twitch against any great player.

    wonder what wgt would think about , something unthinkable like a million players saying on shel... wall page. that mentioning ones family is just sick ? 

    Wgt will only listen when everyone stops playing for a week , then they will get the effing message !

  • siggipj76
    2,989 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 8:35 PM

    Did anyone think about the owners of bandon dunes??

    If it was me , I would like to see what the chat was about my club on this site !

    They must not be happy with what they see? 

    Even more so the next course , sure can't see them having their great course drawn into this huge WGT made mess.

    Or am I the only one with that thought again ? 

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Wed, Dec 17 2014 9:02 PM

    WGT is a business, online operating out of the US, but selling their products and services world wide. There are laws to protect consumers in all countries, if you think it's only US and State laws which carry any weight - you're sadly mistaken.

    FWIW long arm jurisdiction / law would be unlikely, and that's because it is not needed.  The company resides in the US, and no one can seriously dispute the fairness of US jurisdiction / law.  You need to get up to the likes of the Lockerbie bombing to find cases heard in different jurisdictions using laws from outside (Dutch jurisdiction / Scottish law that case).  Yes one country could break ranks, but common sense tells us highly unlikely for this here, and there would be outrage as to why.  

    US law is basically English law as used by any English speaking nation (roughly), and other developed nations also have fair laws.  

    A veritable quagmire of legal hoops exist but those hoops are the same everywhere, same as US.  The internet is still in it's infancy as far as people being able to do all this stuff, and laws are not even that far.  No doubt WGT are speaking weekly to see how right side they are, and doing only what they need to stay in front.  Not defending the state of play but looking around no competitor is up and running offering better and safer either.  Bloomin' shame as that level playing field looks very far away to me.  I am hoping stern competition comes along as at least then we would have more of a feel for what can be done (I am no IT person), and it may shake a few things up around here generally.  Here though is still fundamentally a good platform even if I don't think that platform has been built on as much as it should this year.

    If competition ever did happen, and lo WGT start doing more to combat it then they will be needing to build new customers fast.  For them to decide on that corporate decision.

  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Thu, Dec 18 2014 2:23 PM

    I thought posting name's , was against the rule' that I am against it.I am for it..

    Proof be dammed..



  • KRC37615
    4 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2015 7:49 AM

    I agree.  I am currently a Level 89 and try to play every day that life does not get in the way.  It is very disheartening to play the best you can, say on one of the major tournament courses, with high winds, exceptionally fast undulating greens and barely manage to squeak by with Par and find people have allegedly shot a 57!  This was even true with Chamber's Bay, which is the most ridiculously hardest course to hold greens and to putt I have ever seen.  Apparently the real Pros agree in the U. S. Open practice rounds.

    If someone is cheating, why?  If someone is cheating, grow up!

    Kevin Costello


  • Fencer100
    2,064 Posts
    Wed, Jun 17 2015 4:18 PM

    There's been a load of cheating going on on here for a very long time. You know and so do many many other people. WGT are either incapable or just plain unwilling to do anything about the cheats, probably because they spend money on here and money is what WGT is all about

    At the end of the day the cheats are only cheating themselves, and what satisfaction can you get by scoring a ridiculously low score when you know you have used some sort of cheat to do it. I am very happy to score 6 or 7 below par knowing I have done that without cheating and it has all come together just for once !!

    So like the vast majority of us don't get hung up worrying about the cheats, they can carry on living in their sad little worlds.