Hi Jimbog
I am doing ok in RG's and I am not using any kind of cheat program. It is possible to be consistent without any cheating!
This is where it gets misconstrued. I do OK in RGs on an overall basis. Well I roughly speaking pay my way with them. Now give me something that pretty much 99% always guaranteed I hit where exactly intended I would be sitting on a mountain of credits, no doubt in mind at all to be honest. Heck I don't even play to half close the extent top players do either.
This is where it is wrong to assume some one is automatically cheating just because they do OK, and I am first to say that. It is also wrong to assume some v v top players are cheating just because they are top players - same rationale
I think if you read the thread / my comment again no where I am saying cheating is a prerequisite for doing OK, BUT I still would like to see the leaderboards in the magical never land where cheating did not exist for a week. They would not look the same IMO. Trouble is the dark cloud is over us all, and as no smoke without fire that needs to be accepted too.
You yourself have said in a thread are three when you are seeing deviations ? certainly more punishment than usual from ding misses. Now take that out of the equation, and there would be a difference to credits earned. Now that's the point of it helps explain it like that:)