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Shut it down.

Sat, Dec 11 2010 1:23 PM (72 replies)
  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2010 6:14 PM


    Looking forward to the day the Third World decide they've had enough of living like shi*, and want some of the lifestyle YOU HAVEN'T EARNED.

    You guys don't know you're alive.

    Juan, they got their money the hard way, momma and daddy died


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2010 6:51 PM

    No Longball, the Obama health-care bill won't shut down in 2012. The 112th Congress takes the helm on January 3rd, 2011 - Duh!

    X15, for someone who says their not a Liberal, you sure do pass the litmus test. I'm no Conservative either. Blue-dog Democrat would be more in-line with my political, and social views. I'm glad you got to see who George Soros is too, and I'm not surprised you agree with his political, and economic views.

    It's troubling to think there are people in the world today who want to reign-in a new world order, and that the future indeed does hold a new world order, in a time like no other since the beginning of time to this day. X15, it doesn't take a Republican, or a Democrat to know you do not want to take part in a new world order in that day or time. Some will believe in what's mentioned above, most won't.

  • x1524807
    776 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2010 7:52 PM

    It's troubling to think there are people in the world today who want to reign-in a new world order

    what is the new world order? Corrupt politicians? Corrupt banks? Corrupt insurance companies?. Corporations donating money, but refusing to declare who they are, Wall street that was bailed out, and now are right back to their old ways, gambling YOUR MONEY, and waiting for the next bail out. I hear so much about socialism, but when you bail out banks and insurance companies, is that not socialism, or is socialism only when you want to help a poor person out.   Is greed the new world order? Seems like you stand for all of this, but maybe I am reading  you wrong

    I am not llberal, and GOD forbid, I do not want to be what is called a conservative. When i look back into history, I find the liberals turned this country into a winning war machine, and polished of 2 major powers in 4 years, contrast to todays wars that we cannot win, or figure out how to lose. I find liberals gave us SS, Medicare without the help of conservatives. They gave us our freeway system, our internet that you are using everyday.

    As far as George Soros goes, he gave his money away to kill the communist revolution in his country, he gave and is still giving his money away to the needy, and of course he gave a million to defeat GWB, and I personally have a lot of republican friends who gave money to beat that man

    Richard, I do not know how much history you know, but I am kinda a history buff, and if you research, you will find out that when the conservative revolution took over this country in 1980, we had a total national debt of less than 1 trillion, after 12 years of the revolution we had 5 plus trillion. Yes we cut taxes. Then Clinton came and he turned the country over to bush with a balanced budget, then gwb cut taxes  supposed ly to create jobs, but when he left office we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. When he left he created a total of 7 trillion in debt, and regaens 5 and the conservative movement can be held responsible for 12 trillion debt, enough to wipe out this country. Yes he gave us tax cuts. NOW IS THAT IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER YOU TALK ABOUT, please do not tell me that this is the best we can do

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2010 8:08 PM

    x1524807 for President!

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2010 9:36 PM


    I suck at putting because the programmers can't do better than cause a ding from 60' to miss my intended line by 5' or more.


    Well don't end up 60 feet from the pin. Sounds like it's your approach play that needs improving.


  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sat, Nov 13 2010 11:02 PM

    I am not llberal, and GOD forbid, I do not want to be what is called a conservative. When i look back into history, I find the liberals turned this country into a winning war machine, and polished of 2 major powers in 4 years, contrast to todays wars that we cannot win, or figure out how to lose. I find liberals gave us SS, Medicare without the help of conservatives. They gave us our freeway system, our internet that you are using everyday.

    Not a liberal nor a conservative? Then what are you, an ET?

    What history are you referring to? "Liberals"= winning war machine! FDR, JFK, Reagan "liberals"? 

    SS/Medicare+ Individual Trusts funds=Democrates...SS/Med.Trust Funds (soon to be insolvent) goes into General fund to help pay for WELFARE and Deadbeats= Liberals

    Liberals=freeway system? Dwight D Eisenhower a liberal? 

    Are you incarcerated in some Federal Prison with nothing to do but criticize America?

    Why can't you just confess that your a full blown Liberal with a mental disorder.

  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 3:52 AM


    I am not llberal, and GOD forbid, I do not want to be what is called a conservative. When i look back into history, I find the liberals turned this country into a winning war machine, and polished of 2 major powers in 4 years, contrast to todays wars that we cannot win, or figure out how to lose. I find liberals gave us SS, Medicare without the help of conservatives. They gave us our freeway system, our internet that you are using everyday.

    Not a liberal nor a conservative? Then what are you, an ET?

    What history are you referring to? "Liberals"= winning war machine! FDR, JFK, Reagan "liberals"? 

    SS/Medicare+ Individual Trusts funds=Democrates...SS/Med.Trust Funds (soon to be insolvent) goes into General fund to help pay for WELFARE and Deadbeats= Liberals

    Liberals=freeway system? Dwight D Eisenhower a liberal? 

    Are you incarcerated in some Federal Prison with nothing to do but criticize America?

    Why can't you just confess that your a full blown Liberal with a mental disorder.

    AMEN BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 5:51 AM

    I had to put my 2 cents in for what it is worth...

    1. Obamacare treats people as a social commodity. I have to pay for my families health care and some other persons as well. Must be that social justice thing, funny social justice is not equal justice.

    2. Liberals do not believe in individual rights. Everything they say is an individual right in most cases is actually a social responsibility. Your individual rights also includes my right to be free from you. You want to have a family or child I am not responsible for their health care. YOU ARE! 

    3. Rights come from our creator no matter what you believe in or who you believe in. If government has the power to grant you rights they also have the right to take them away. 

    4. Bottom line, if it is not in the constitution it is unconstitutional. The founders were pretty damn smart, they did not leave it for interpretation but rather gave us a model to amend it. A constitutional amendment or constitutional convention. You want something so bad then amend the constitution. Like the EPA and the department of education, obamacare is not authorized under the 18 enumerated powers. The commerce clause does not cover it and the general welfare clause is empowered only to the 18 powers the federal government has. If a state like Massachusetts wants health care for everyone they are within their powers to do so and did. While I do not agree with it at least the citizens of that great state have the power to move. All powers not included in the 18 enumerated powers are reserved to the states. 

    5. Liberals=freeway system? Dwight D Eisenhower a liberal? The highway system was a smart idea it was completely within the 18 enumerated powers. Congress shall have the right to regulate and build postal office and postal roads.

  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 6:22 AM


    and sir what i get steamed about is when someone slips across the boarder pop's out a kid then to the welfair office free medical off of the tax money then get to lay around on therefat asses and live for free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sounds like the racists have come out of the rocks

    Message to the Tea Party - What took you so long to get angry?

    You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.  

    You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq . 

    You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.

    You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.    

    You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.   You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.    

    You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.      

    You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq .      

    You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.       

    You didn't get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.

    You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.       

    You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.

    You didn't get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.      

    You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.    

    You didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.     

    You didn't get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the filthy rich, over a trillion dollars in taxbreaks. 

    You didn't get mad with the worst 8 years of job creations in several decades. 

    You didn't get mad when Federal regulations looked the way while banks and Wall Street reaped billions writing faulty mortgages, short-sold the debt and even wagered that the debts would fail.   

    You didn't get mad when over 200,000 US Citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.    

    You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US Citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values.     

    No.....You finally got mad

    When a black man was elected President and decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick.

    Yes i get mad when i see the corruption on wall street and the banks but i will not get mad at a war that someone else started hussain needed to be ousted terrorism needs to fought on there ground or would you prefer to have another 911?

    and yes american's have a right to see a doctor when there sick and they also have the obligation to pay for it'

    and as far as calling me a racists the so be it i also want you to know that your opinion of me matter's about as much as dog crap on the bottom of my shoe's

    one more thing i would like to add every statement i've have seen from you does nothing but bad mouth goverment. now let me ask you do you really want these clown's in charge of your health care?

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Sun, Nov 14 2010 7:37 AM

    X15, you keep insinuating I'm for Conservatism, I'm not. I never called you a Liberal either. I said you pass the test. Why are you bashing the United States? We all want prosperity for this country. I don't agree with the Conservative agenda in this country. Obama has a Liberal agenda that is taking the country down the wrong path. He's further left the Clinton (which I voted for).

    Obama wants the Government to be the bread winner for the people and their families. Pelosi said it's OK if all Americans lived on food-stamps, and that it would be a good thing. She had to back-pedal on that statement. I'm in the middle of the political road and am for ideas that move the country in a direction where we can have more control of our own lives. I don't need Government making decisions for me and my family. 

    There was a Liberal board in San Francisco that tried to intervene in people lives by removing toys from McDonald's happy meals for thinking the kids where getting fat because the toys enticed the kids. This is the kind of thing Liberals are wanting to do to the American people on a Federal level.

    Obamacare treats people as a social commodity. I have to pay for my families health care and some other persons as well. Must be that social justice thing, funny social justice is not equal justice.

    I agree SGT. Some more of Obama wanting to "Spread the wealth". And social justice, yeah right, like that's going to work. Social this, and social that.  lol!

    2. Liberals do not believe in individual rights. Everything they say is an individual right in most cases is actually a social responsibility. Your individual rights also includes my right to be free from you. You want to have a family or child I am not responsible for their health care. YOU ARE! 

    Amen to that SGT. Very good post SGTBilko. These are all the reasons to vote out Obama, and vote in someone who will Govern this country from the political center.